seriouly i give up on trying....
Hes got a new password on his cell. But he says he's not hiding any thing. Im tired of trying to he him to WAnt me. I swear he can have his birches. Im just here for my angels. The tears are not worth it for him. The only person you can trust is yourself :'-(
Good for you. Don't worry about him!
@loveourlittleone. I don't believe him for one second.
@mommyof3soon2be4 yep
i have looked thru hubby's phone. we are addicts in recovery and i highly suspected him of using. so one DAY when he was out of it i looked in his phone from messages. well of course he talks in code when not wanting to set off red flags and flat out asking for some narcotics or something- DUH. but the kicker was that he is a computer geek and writes code to make applications and what not. so i had to really look for it. turns out i was right and for 4 days he had been using. at first he was shocked i even looked- we fully trust each other. but i told him i quit and have NEVER touched or looked back on what we did...but he has relapsed several times. usually he breaks it to me and tells me. but this time he didn't. and he knows if i have to go looking, he better run from me!
im glad that that's all it was though!