I got seduced into induction.....documentary
This morning I had an appt to check my dialation. I am 39+3 with baby number 4 (last one..... I swear) I was 1cm... Three weeks ago baby measured 7lbs. My doctor said...if you want I'll induce you and you can hold your baby tomorrow. Well the last three all came on there own....one early, two late. So I went home to discuss with hubby. He let the choice up to me. So at 6 pm I got to the hospital. 1 cm and 70 % effaced. Doctor gave me cervadil at 8:15.... Pit is starting at 8am. Will keep all who are curious updated...send me labor dust! A little nervous (but I think that has more to do with leaving my hubby home with the little ones alone for more than a few hours!!!!!)