Trigger happy... mess with me if you want to!

Soo, word on my street is someone has been scoping out my house and is planning on robbing us. There definitely isn't anything worth stealing in here! BD just bought a rifle and I actually shot a gun for the first time in my life today, and it felt good. He works the graveyard and we have a pitbull guarding the front of the house. I want a mofo to try to run up in here, because he will definitely get blasted. It pisses me off that people think stealing is okay, but newsflash, I'm 8 months and have a toddler and I'll be damned if a dumb fool is gonna try to raid my property at night and possibly rape and kill me or my kids. You will be shot in the d*ck and throat messing with me.


  • What state do you live in? Make sure you are protected under Castle Laws.
  • I love this post..:)
  • Maybe get an alarm system?
  • :) I live in Little Rock, Arkansas, and I think we have a self defense law that you can get away with murder or aggravated assault if its in self defense.
  • @blueberrysmom, can't really afford one and this rent house wouldn't qualify for one anyways.
  • That getting shot in the penis is hilarious but damn, why do people steal get a damn job and make your own money so you can buy it yourself low lifes
  • @valentinasmommy, ikr, but these fools in LR want to be big and bad and want to do things the easy way and don't give a damn. Just a month ago a 9 year old boy got shot in the chest by a stray bullet in a shootout 6 houses down from us! I really hope that I get a good paying steady job after I deliver, because we will definitely be moving to the quiet country. This city has gone apesh*t crazy.
  • edited September 2011
  • edited September 2011
  • Oh yeah in Arkansas your solid if you have to take action. You guys have very clear understand gun laws.
    if I may ask why a rifle? Not generally the first choice for home defense based on bulk and barrel length
  • Omg. Damn. I hope you guys move too
  • SStupid phone sorry
  • Hmmm... Well buy or steal an alarm company sign and put it in your front lawn anyway. It'll be a deterrent so you might not have to shoot a fool in the throat.
  • Ummm... Steal? I meant "borrow."
  • @blueberrysmom I prefer liberate. . . It works for the worlds governments lol
  • It's a lightweight @beaded_bunny and it's cheaper than a handheld one, which I'd rather prefer a hand gun anyways but its a .22. I think it will kill someone if you shoot them enough times. Wth do I know about guns anyway, I'm a city girl at heart. Never held one before until today.
  • Lol get em girl!!!
  • you go momma. my dad (cop, former sniper in the marines) taught me at 16 how to shoot and fire. ironically my husband refuses to allow guns in our house (i agree- except if i am alone then i better have protection....thank goodness our city isn't as bad). so i DARE someone to come in this house. i think everyone who knows me knows my dad and brother are cops in this town and i know how to shoot you dead if you give me the chance. i am not exactly someone to mess with.
  • @shayshay :)
    @survivormommie3 yes, if everyone knows not to mess with you, you're pretty much set. Anyone in their right mind should know better to mess with a government official's family, daughter especially at that.
  • Call the cops and ask them to periodically drive through your neighborhood because someone threatened to rob you.
  • @loveourlittleone they constantly do anyways, everyday BC someone is always doing something stupid around here.
  • @1toddler1dueoctober exactly! when i was a newborn and my dad was a detective and we lived in texas, my mom was home with my older brother and i. well my dad worked graveyard and at the time he had a stalker. so the dude came to our house and pounded on the door yelling at my mom. of course my mom called the cops and had them radio in my dad to come to the scene as well and JUST as my dad pulled up (apparently he was a little over-zealous and parked in the front yard) the crazy nutjob had literally just kicked in the door. my dad tackled him down and the guy got some crazy some years in prison. of course this is according to my parents and my dad's friend, but i just remember hearing the story and my dad saying "i will make sure my family is safe, and anyone who messes with us is going down." :) just thought i would share a happy story that makes me proud of my dad
  • @1toddler1dueoctober exactly! when i was a newborn and my dad was a detective and we lived in texas, my mom was home with my older brother and i. well my dad worked graveyard and at the time he had a stalker. so the dude came to our house and pounded on the door yelling at my mom. of course my mom called the cops and had them radio in my dad to come to the scene as well and JUST as my dad pulled up (apparently he was a little over-zealous and parked in the front yard) the crazy nutjob had literally just kicked in the door. my dad tackled him down and the guy got some crazy some years in prison. of course this is according to my parents and my dad's friend, but i just remember hearing the story and my dad saying "i will make sure my family is safe, and anyone who messes with us is going down." :) just thought i would share a happy story that makes me proud of my dad
  • BAH!! wtf? sorry about the triple post?!!
  • A 22 is a good starter gun! No kick and will do enough damage to stop someone, espicially if shot where you say your gonna aim lol :)
  • Oh, well I guess that's good!
  • @survivormommie3, wow I love a happy ending, especially when it involves a nutcase. Die Hard up in this mutha! Lol
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