Pumping mommies, I have a question!

edited September 2011 in Breastfeeding
Okay, because my daughter had to be taken to the NICU as soon as she was born, I didn't get a chance to even TRY to breastfeed her til about the 24 hour mark. By then, she'd been fed formula regularly. But because of that, she rejects my nipples. If I use a shield, she MIGHT nurse, but she just doesn't like my nipples. :( I know she gets flow, because sometimes she will feed for 15-20 minutes and be happy for an hour or two. The first few days in the hospital, I hand-expressed my colostrum for her (because the pump wouldn't get it), but when my milk came in the last day in the hospital (Sunday), the pump only got a little. The day we left (Monday), she nursed a little. The next day my breasts were firm in spots, and I managed to get some out, but not much. Then, just before my shower, they started just dripping in flow. The day after that they were rock hard and slightly painful to the touch (just really full, I guess). I finally got my pump Wednesday, so I went home and pumped a full ounce. The next time, got a little less than an ounce. Then, a little less. And now, I'm barely pumping 7 or 8 ml in a 15-20 minute period. :( My supply seems to be dwindling! :'( I try to pump every 3 hours, but sometimes I get busy with baby for several hours, or I am asleep and I miss my pumping time. I've missed maybe 3 or 4 times that I should have pumped and got to it about 2 or 3 hours late, and I think Thursday morning I pumped at 3 a.m., and then didn't get to pump again til 2:30 p.m. :( I don't know what to do to help my supply get back up! The milk only flows for about 5 minutes, but I make sure to keep pumping for a full 15-25 minutes. It makes my nipples SO sore, but I do it because I'm hoping it'll help. I've been told about Fenugreek, Mothers Milk Tea, and oatmeal, but I haven't tried any of them. I'm going to try oatmeal soon because... well, we got some this afternoon and I like oatmeal. lol. But any other suggestions to help this frustrated mama out??! :'(


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