he doesnt think its a 24/7 job!

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
This is my 1st vent but I'm gonna lose it on my hubby soon! Even in the hospital I let him sleep, I haven't woken him up not once since I've had r son 10 days ago. But he seems to think that just cuz he works he doesn't have to do shit with the baby when he comes home. I'm up all night with r son feeding, changing, burping, pumping, washing dishes and doing laundry. He comes home from work sits with Logan for all of 10 mins changes 1 pamper and thinks his job is done for the day! He's been on the damn ps3 ever since he was born and his excuse is "hes boring right now he doesn't do anything". Of course he doesn't he's an infant! But he thinks I sit around all day watching tv while he's at work. How hard is it to take the trash out or do some dishes or a load of laundry? Raising a baby is 24/7 for me but it seems to be a convenience thing for him.

Sry vent over. Thanks for anyone who cares.


  • Make a chore chart with tasks assigned to each of you, complete with due days/dates and post it on the fridge. It might help. If not, at least you can point to exactly what he's not doing and go from there.
  • Omg he said ur son was boring???!!! Thats really awful!! I'm so sry.
  • Well im so fed up im movin out n leavin a 17 yr relationship! Good luck to u thgh!
  • Wow.........I'm speechless
  • edited September 2011
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  • @blueberrysmom ill try that! It might be the only thing that will keep me from losing my mind. I just need all the help I can get and I'm not gonna take my anger out on my son cuz its not his fault.

    @nicoleok87 ya he wants him at that stage where he makes faces and responds when u interact with him. He wants him to be able to talk and all. I said to cherish these moments cuz it will fly by. Then I told him he's gonna have to wait awhile before Logan is big enough to play ball and such. I'm already seeing him grow up too fast :(

    @preggomommyof4 Omg what happened? I'm sry for u hun :(

    @MrsG ill give it a shot and see how it goes!

    @caffeinated_katie oh he has Sunday and Monday! I'm gonna make him do the night feedings and changing and not get up to help. I'll be in the room tho cuz Logan is in the bassinet by my side of the bed. But maybe he will realize how difficult it is running off of 2-3hrs of sleep every night. Then maybe ill get some damn help in this house lol!

    Thanks u all for listening to my jabbering.
  • @kingsmama he got mad when I asked him to get me some gas drops n pay late bills bcuz I can't drive n he screamed at me n told me he hate me n he didn't want the baby! N he wished me n kids left! So im leavin soon as I heal up! Fyi 3 of the kids r his!
  • @preggomommyof4 Omg what a total asshole! Id be leaving too. Give it some time before u make that final call tho for the kids sake. I'm sry he's such an ass to u :( Grrr men!
  • I probably wont be much help here lol

    I took care of our son 24/7 cleaned house and cooked for him. He didn't interact much in the beginning because he, like your husband, felt the baby wasnt much fun. I couldn't blame him lol they aren't much fun in the beginning.

    My son is now almost 15months old and my husband has changed 5 pee diapers and 1 poop diaper. For me its not a huge deal he works 60hrs a week and supports us so I don't really ask anything of him aside from being understanding if the house isn't spotless or if he has to get his cloths from the dryer rather then his closet. Now that our son is older he watches him from time to time so I can go to dinner with my girl friends or something too.

    Different people want different things from their partner though, just talk to him & explain or even try leaving the baby with him! Good luck! :)
  • @kingsmama im done I make more money than him n I carry the household anyway I filed child support today! So im good! His presence wouldn't be missed he never interacts wit kids just waste space at the house I shoulda left yrs ago! But thnks!
  • Give him the baby when he's ready to pee poop and spit up all at the same time... I challenge him to find Logan boring then! LOL
  • @kingsmama I dont blame you for getting upset. Luckily me and bd worked out before the baby comes what chores are whose. I cook and clean and on the weekends he does laundry and takes out the trash. We both work full time jobs and i already told him that when the baby comes i will NOT be the only one getting up in the middle of the night. He was like but you get to sleep later than i do ( i was working 130-10 back then) so now that i am working earlier and sometimes get up before he does hes like ok ok i will get up just not on my early days. I told him look you helped to make this baby you will help take care of it or I stop cooking cleaning and i will only concentrate on me and baby and you can do everything else. That scared him because he cant cook to save his life. Maybe yall can split the things and let him know he needs to do his stuff on his days off while you are taking care of the other things and that he needs to help out before you get too worn out and he has to do EVERYTHING!
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