false positive std test?

Has anyone ever heard of a false positive chlamydia test? I had my 6 week post pardum appt on Wednesday. Today around one o clock I get a phone call from my midwife saying my std results are back and I test positive for chlamydia. I know I haven't strayed so that only leaves him.... who I can't answer for cuz well sometimes you never know. I don't think he would, but then again maybe bein a new dad is too much for him to want something else.
I'm going to get retested on Tuesday, but what should I do til then? Should I say something or wait til I get more test results back? Oh and same day I had pp appt I had an appt with my kidney doc and they gave me antibiotics because I had my stent removed, so is it possible I could test neg on tues because of the antibiotics and have actually have it but not say anything cuz test results came back neg only to possibly contract again. I really need help im/ losing my mind here


  • Wut antibiotics did kidney dr give u? Its possible tht it coulda got rid of claymdia too! But u need to say something to avoid catchin it again!
  • @preggomommyof4 what should I say? I have never been in this position before
  • @preggomommyof4 what should I say? I have never been in this position before
  • The doctor gve me clindamycin(sp?)
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  • Oh and I know I was neg in feb and I assume they check when baby is born so I know was neg then.....
  • @mommy2isaiahngiselle so should I not be worried??
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  • @mommy2isaiahngiselle now, did you just take the antibiotic and get tested later or did you retest and had it? Cuz I'm going to retest but since I've been on antibiotics I doubt it would show up, but the nurse said it is POSSIBLE that is could have been a false postive and that I should get retested. I just want to know what to say to my bf... I don't want to accuse him of something he may not have done, I also don't want him to freak out aand say I did cuz I know I didn't...
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  • I had a friend who tested positive for it then her husband tested clean.. when the got divorced a few years later he told her he had just already been treated for it :/

    As far as false positives idk and I'm not sure if your mess will clear it up or not :/ I havnt heard of many false positives but it is possible!
  • @pnsw524 well, that sucks! I hope to goodness this isn't the case, I'm hellaa upset about it....

    @oregonmama. I'm not really mad, I'm upset. If he cheated on me I think in a way it would break me down to were I don't trust people... I know it is treaatable (thanks goodness!!) I just know my relationship would pretty much be over.. I don't want to think the worse, but when I started thinking about it I could potentially see where all the freedoms I give him he could have cheated. I'm hoping it is just a mix up I really do... I do know no more sex til this is figured out
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  • Well idk I'm 38weeks an just found out that I have chlamydia. My boyfriend swears he hasn't been with anyone else, which I don't believe bc this is the 2nd time he gave me this in this pregnacy. We were both treated together the first time. So he's been trying to get me to believe that its from before. Which is bullcrap bc my Dr said he has checked me 4x's since then an I didn't have anything. So all I can say is tell him what ur midwife told u, if he gets upsets an turns on u then u know he's been cheating. Just sit down an talk too him. I didn't yell at my bf, I just looked at him an said "that's was my dr office, they said I tested postive for chlamydia" an he jumped yelling "I swear I didn't do anything, I haven't cheated"
    But I will never get the truth so after my baby gets here he can gon finish catching all the std's he wants without me!
  • @kalikojenie clindamycin can be used to treat clamydia so u will probably test neg nexxt time! Just tell him most men will sneak n be treated so they can tranfer blame bck to u! So don't be surpised if he clean already!
  • I tested positive and he tested negative.. I think something is jacked up with how they test or something..
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