prayers for bby_mama2011(lost baby)



  • Lord, please let this be a minor obstacle, and please allow Your blood to cover her, help her heal, help her to regain her strength and be happy again. Lord, please allow her to heal enough to where she can concieve again; give her a miracle child, as i know she will teach him in the right ways and have him know You, Lord God. Please allow her to have the strength to come out of this tragedy and piece her life back together. Make her whole, Lord, and plant in her the seeds of life. Create in her an ambassador of Your prescence, Lord God, an angel from Your holy host, to help guide her through the rest of her life, Lord God. Please allow her to have every support she needs available to her, and may all doors open to her when they were closed before. We give you the praise, the power, and the glory, Lord God; and in Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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