prayers for bby_mama2011(lost baby)

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Lets all post a lil prayer or verse for her and lil angel... this is very hard for her. And also for us, as we are ALL nervous and heartbroken with the sad news... Lets cheer her up by dedicating this forum to her and lil princess. She will appreciate it When she has the strength and health to get back on pregly... Thanx mommies!!


  • edited February 2011
    God, I ask you to be with her and fam in this hard times!! May a cure be found for this innocent angels dying... Give her the strength she needs!!
    My prayers go out to you mamas... :-S
  • May the lord surround her with his comfort and presence...put his hands upon her and her baby..give her the strength to continue to trust in you now and always.. also to give her acceptance and hope... God bless your whole family... keep praying.. God has his reasons we just can't grasp or begin to understand.. but he will make it ok.. maybe not now.. but he will.. prayers to you
  • My deepest sympothy goes out to her and her family :(
  • KEep ur head up momma.... Take on day at a time .... Just know that this is not the end it is the beginning of a new life for ur baby.... Baby wants tu look down and see mommy smiling.... With new baby... While she is up there helping god and blessing u and ur fam....
  • Thoughts with her & her family fly free little bub big hugs
  • edited February 2011
    Lord, I ask that bring strength upon her and her family help heal her heart and calm her sadness, lord I ask that you stay be her and her family side so that they dont lose faith, guide them and love them like you have been lord, mend her broken heart in your name I pray amen.

    God bless you bby_mama2011
    We all love you here at pergly
  • Lord, let keep the baby cuddled in ur arms tight and grant lil mommy some peace in her heart amen
  • Lord, bring strength to her and her family, watch over them in this hard time and watch over that little angel. Amen
  • My thoughts and prayers go out to her and her angel. Im so sorry for loss i'll continue to pray!
  • I hope that god gives you the health an strenghth an also the understanding to go on. I know its hard to see but god has a plan for your lil princess, its way bigger then anyone can imagine. But our,orays are with you an your family. She is watching over you.
  • In your name lord I prey you give this mother strength and watch over her lil baby
  • God bring strength to her a her family.. I know u work in different ways but please bring joy back into her life
  • I've been sad the whole afternoon, god has a plan for her and the baby and we must remember that everything happens for a reason, even tho we may not understand why. God bless her, give her strength to get through hard time, and to find peace in herself.
  • Christ Jesus most merciful savior, hear our prayers as we gather in your name. We commend this child into Your arms of mercy. Grant comfort and strength to those who suffer and embrace them with your eternal love. May the angels surround this sweet baby and the saints welcome her.
  • lord father in heaven. give her the strength tio make it thru this. its not always easy to accept ur will. guide her safely thru this trial that u have placed for her. bless her lil angel. n in ur name we pay amen.
  • My thoughts and prayers are with you. I pray that God will guide you through this.
  • May God grant you the strength to get through this and praying that he always watch over you and your family.
  • May god be with you and your family! Your little angel is with god in a good place! :)
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • May god bless her and her so with all the strength that is needed during this time... I will be keeping her in my prayers... God bless her family
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Thoughts and prayers r with he. Praying god gives her the strength to get through this. Amen!
  • Thoughts and prayers!
  • Sorry for your loss..I pray that god continues to give you and your family the strength during this very difficult!!! Amen!
  • My prayers are with u and your family through this difficult time... God Bless.
  • My prayers for you!!
  • I'm crying so much hope and love for her may god be with you your family and your little one.....
  • We have another little angel watching over us now. God bless her and her family. May comfort and peace surround them all in their time of bereavement.
  • My prayers go to you & ur family may the lord be with you & ur family!
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