breastfeeding failure

edited September 2011 in Breastfeeding
I had my daughter at 36+6 on Tuesday via c-section which I thought would be a difficult start to bf since it can't start immediately...finally at about 1am after almost 4 hrs I was finally in my room with my baby and she wouldn't take my boob! So I pumped and got 5ml and she wouldn't take that in the bottle either. So I thought no biggie we'll try in the morning. Well the nurses took her and turns out her sugars were low. She was hypoglycemic so we had to supplement with formula. She was even having a hard time with the bottle. I continued to try to bf her and NOTHIng!!! She's been on formula since Tuesday. so I've been starting out on each breast for about 10 minutes before I bottle feed her. My milk hasn't come in yet and nothing comes out when she latches. I feel so discouraged. Do some women just not produce milk? My boobs don't hurt at all or feel full. When we do try to bf a couple of dots come out. Nothing when I pump. any suggestions or advice? I really wanted to try bf but have no hope.


  • edited September 2011
    After labor u need to bf or pump milk won't come out until 4 to 6 days after labor just keep pumping so ur body know it needs to make milk ...u might get this clear gel liquid before milk Omg that's the best thing for the bb . I got my milk after 4 days of labor I got worry too cause I thought I was not gonna make milk but then after my fourth day Omg my breasts where so big full of milk ...
  • Stress can stop the milk. I know its dumb to say/hear but try to relax and talk to your lactation consultant about any options you have
  • @KareNlove ok today is day 4 so hopefully it'll come in soon. I've been putting her on anyways and she latches and will suckle for a bit then gets frustrated. Then I've been pumping a little bit after that.
    @beaded_bunny the lactation counselor spent time with me both days in the hospital working with my daughter and myself. I will admit there is stress, Exhaustion, and just recovering from surgery that has set in.
  • I had girl tuesday vaginally and my milk just came in this morning...your milk should come in in the next few days. I also had to supplement with formula until now since she was losing too much weight. please dont give up just keep bf and/or pumping at least every 3 hours and ur milk will come...good luck and congrats momma :)
  • Good luck to you mama! Stick with it!!! You can do it! :)
  • I had almost the same situation as you, just not as premature. Between the exhaustion and the medications, we were both wiped out. He almost didnt eat at all, but I still tried because I figured even a tiny little bit was better than nothing. My milk came in about the fifth day, but he was still having a really really hard time latching, to the point where he was screaming because he was so hungry. Luckily my mom was with me to encourage me and hold him while I got some sleep, and we just kept trying until it suddenly clicked with him that he was supposed to suck on the nipple, lol. It took about 12 hours of a lot of stress, but once it clicked, he didnt have anymore trouble latching. Then I dealt with a lot of pain, but I just stuck to it and that went away too. Its tough, but we can do it--and thats why only women can birth and breastfeed. Because were so damn tough! :)
  • @captainMorgaine I couldn't agree with you more about women being tough! I doubt my husband could endure this much pain and exhaustion. Lol I'm hoping today is the day that my milk arrives. Today she didn't want anything to do with me but I'm not giving up quite yet! Thanks for sharing your story with me. :)
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