Small or Big

edited September 2011 in November 2011
I just had to vent a little this morning. I am 29 weeks and 3 days and I feel comfortable with my belly and size until people start talking. They always tell me you are so small to be 7 months & that I should be bigger. I know I shouldn't let it get to me but after a while it does & then I begin to worry. Any advice from other preggos.


  • People tell me all the time I look smaller than what I am and they continue to and I'm currently a lil over 37 weeks. But what they don't know my son already weighs 8 pounds and I weigh 162 and pre pregnancy I weighed 123. We are both healthy. So see it as a compliment. I try to. As long as your baby is healthy and you are it don't matter. I know it gets annoying and you want to hit someone, but it is a compliment.
  • Bellies come in all shapes and sizes! I swear people who have been preggo before forget what size their belly was. From my perspective I don't think I look as big as I did with my other 2, but now at 37 wks I have had at least two people ask if I was having twins. Don't let peoples' comments get to u. If your doctor doesn't say anything don't worry!
  • @xFirstTimeMomx Thank you. I know I should take it as a compliment but it just gets to me at times.

    @jbandno3 You are so right. My doctor has never mentioned anything to me about my size being a concern or a problem. I just wish people would stop thinking how big I should be. I know with my first pregnancy I got the same thing too but that was almost five years ago so I assumed it would be different.
  • Omggg girl samee hereee I'm 28weeks1day andd everyone I mean everyone especially customers at workk tell me how far along r u andd I'm like I'm 7monthsss and they r like ur tooo small I'm like oooo I guesss...ugh gets meee mad
  • I have that same problem! I've been feeling huge this time and I thought for sure I was bigger. But no one believes me when I say I'm 32 weeks. Then I saw my vet the other day, she's due two days before me and she looks huge. I was so jealous! I know my baby is ok, my 5 yo weighed 7lbs 6oz and my dr is pretty sure this one will weigh 8+. But I wish I got a belly.
  • Tell them thanks for your concern but my DOCTOR. says we're just fine.
  • I went through the same thing every one said how small I was at 26 weeks I measured 26 cm now I'm 28 weeks and the wonderful checker at Walmart told how huge I was. We all grow at our own paces. But I think she needed to get her glasses checked. Lol
  • I wish people were telling me I am small. Ever since five months I've been getting fat jokes and the oh my gosh your huge are you sure its not twins. But they say not to worry its all in my belly and I will lose it when I have the baby. Last week my bfs step dad said he was looking to pave his driveway and asked if I would be his steam roller. Then last night my friends.DS husband stopped by to get the couch I was giving.g to their children and when. I opened the door his eyes widened and he said what's up fatty..killed me.then I have my bfs mom telling me I am going to have to use the motorized carts before I would definitely take it as a compliment..oh and I am 31 weeks
  • I'm so sick of people Asking me if I'm having twins... I'm 28 weeks with #4.
  • I get a lil mad when ppl tell me how small they think I am. I think ppl want me to look like a fat whale and when they see I don't, they feel the need to say how small I am.
  • At least once a day I get " are you sure your due date is right" or " are You sure your not having twins". And of course I have to smile and act like Its not rude.
  • my whole first half of my pregnancy i been told omg ur so small, ur tiny, u should be bigger.. i just made 6 months and i musta gotten big all of a sudden because now everyones telling me "wow ur stomach is bigger this time around" and people are asking me if i am pregnant saying they did not even notice i was until now lol. so u can look small one week and huge the next. i guess :/
  • Ill be 32 weeks tomorrow and I always get the wow ur so tiny comments too...I've gained about 20lbs but my baby is growing right on schedule n that's all I care about
  • @preggo123 I feel the same way. I feel huge but other people think I'm small.

    @laura536 I've been hearing the same thing. But how does your doctor guess or determine how big your baby is?

    @mrs_shu I AGREE. My doctor told me that people are just jealous ; )

    @Quinnandtallonsmom Yea. I come to realize as long as your doctor says you are good and on track who cares what people think...that's why they aren't your doctor. lol

    @Stepherbell That sucks when it's coming from people you know. My dad told me the other day that it looked like I was going to pop and he couldn't see me waiting to Nov. Pissed me off. lol

    @Smgibbs Really. Do you feel bigger than your last pregnancies?

    @MrsWilliams RIGHT. My doctor told me that people are just jealous ; ) lol

    @314babymama1120 People really need to learn how to hold their comments. It's a mess.

    @myHEARTZx3 That's true. How far along are you?

    @brttnywstn14 Exactly. That's all I'm going to worry about now, especially since I've talked to my doctor. Good luck.
  • Ignore them....everybody will have something to say....some people swear I am HUGE and some say I am small!
  • @LoveBeingMommy - Yea it totally sucks. They all tell me to take it easy they are just joking around but I notice that its just the men that are saying it..I wanna get all of them those mommy bellys so they can carry it around for a few months and see how we feel. I have been depressed the past couple of days and I swear if I hear another fat joke I'm gonna poke someone's eye out !
  • I'm now 2 cms bigger then I should be ha! I guess she must be big or I need to lay off the little Debbie cakes lol
  • No I feel smaller but she is way more active
  • People tell me I'm.small. my profile pic is last week at 37 n now I'm 38 n it looks the same...who cares what n e 1.says. I had one girl tell me last week I was HUGE in.caps. as long as ur baby n u r good eff em
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