I am in need of help

edited September 2011 in September 2011
I am 38 weeks pregnant and i haven't dilated nothing yet but I am so ready to have him, but my Dr will not induce me =(( because there is nothing wrong with me or my baby. She said I can have an elective c-section Tuesday :0& because that is the only day that she do surgeries. I don't want to be cut because I am too scary. I can't take being pregnant too much longer ( I think I'm just growing impatient). =((


  • sweetie.... i mean this in a nice way- i promise. but any kids you have after this- there is a possibility (yes i know there is vbac....but MANY docs and hospitals wont allow it) that you will need a csection for every birth following this one. also remember that this IS a major surgery. it's very routine...but it's still invasive. i know it's incredibly irritating to just wait around and go into labor and not know how it'll happen, how fast, how painful, etc, etc. now i am not trying to make you feel bad, but i am 40w4d with my third. the longest i ever made it was 39 wks and now i feel like i am going to have a heart attack waiting on this child. i would wait at LEAST another week and really consider your options.
  • Baby just isn't ready yet hun :) most doctors wont electively induce you until you're AT LEAST 39 weeks. Most first time moms tend to go overdue so that's probably why she doesn't want to induce. Also you can be dilated nothing one day and that night go into labor, dilation does not tell when labor comes or not :) good luck hun!
  • @MommyOfTwoPrincesses I will be 39 weeks on Tuesday I am so ready to get my body back lol!
    @survivormommie3 I know and understand that a c section is a major surgery and I never had any kind of surgery so thats why i wanted to find out a way to speed up the process
  • Lol I was the same way with my first hun. I went 8 days overdue but it was worth it!
  • How weird that she'll do a csection, but won't induce! That's money talking, blah. Have you tried walking, sex, nipple stim, or an exercise ball yet? You could also try evening primrose oil to help you dilate. I would choose a csection unless you have no other choice.
  • @laura536 my bd is scared to have sex with me because he thinks he is going to hurt our baby and my nipples are very sore but I will try to. I will see if I can talk him into having sex. I need to walk but the only time I walk is when I am out shopping.
  • Is it normal for a Dr to be okay with c section but not induction??? I've never heard of that.
  • walk lots, try to have sex or maybe even do it your self? i dunno if thats your style but it seems that the orgasm is what triggers the contractions.......try to make chamomile tea...but heavily, walk ALOT, try doing squats.....good luck %%-
  • Pineapple, spicy foods, red raspberry leaf tea, eggplant parmesan are all old wives tales i've heard ppl swear by
  • @biffymnstr I tried the pineapple thing and got no results but I willing to try anything
  • Nipple stimulation definately worked for me! Hubby took me out to eat when I was 38 weeks & 3 days, then came home and played with my nipples. Next morning, my water broke!
  • @LovingMyKids When my bd get home form work I am going to have him to play with my nipples to see if that works.
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  • @Lovable Go for it! Oh, i also had some spicy wings at the restaurant! Good luck!
  • Walk!!! I walked myself to 4cm and 80% effaced lol. I had sex too and ate tons of fresh pineapple. Then I got induced but ONLY because I was so far dilated and effaced. I personally would not elect caection unless mine it my baby's life were In Danger. I have never heard if a Dr willing to so surgery before trying induction...sounds money hungry.
  • Oh you definitely need to walk more then! Walking, squatting, and sitting on the exercise ball will all help bring baby's head down, which will help you dilate.
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