**any mommies out there that ***

edited September 2011 in Labor
Has went natural with a induction??
I'm getting induced and want to have my baby without epidural .. any suggestions?


  • Is that possible????????!!!!!!!!
  • Good question, I get induced 3 weeks early and don't think it is an option... I'll ask (since I'm living at hospital) and update you. But it might be diff at diff hospitals?
  • Cuz if ur induced then baby isn't ready....and if baby isn't ready then it makes labor more painful....so they automatically give u an epi....I think.
  • edited September 2011
    @nicoleok87 it is more painful but some women do it. The hospital can't do anything if you refuse a epi.
  • @jay_brad, @nicoleok87, @jellybelly1015, you can choose not to have pain meds during an induction, they treat it like regular labor except you're receiving meds to get labor going. My best friend was induced 1week past-due, her labor was 12hrs long & the only med she took was a shot of nubain right after they broke her water. They didn't make her take it, she opted for it, idk why a hospital would MAKE you get an epidural...
  • @momma_tiffay thanks for setting things straight ;)
  • edited September 2011
    @momma_tiffany thanks! :)
  • Mine was 100% optional! I did.t want one and went the first 30hrs without. After that the dr strongly suggested one and made it almost not a choice.. My body just wasnt progressing. Id been in labor 30hrs and was only 5cm dilated with contractions so high off the screen evety time id contract my whe body would shoot stright and you could see the muscles tighten :( I, like you, just REALLY wanted to do it natural. My advice would be talk to your dr and just let her know what you want, but if your body isnt progressing then just give in. Fighting it like I did just made things worse! I hope you can have your natural labor!!
  • @pnsw524 thank you!! :) did u end up in c section??
  • :bz (* bump bee *)
  • I guess yes try to relax and remember that hurts I never had epidural yes I have pitocin but no pain medication I was suposse to be induction with my first but I guess I cr y and beg so much (pray) I went to hosp I was 5cm so no induction second my doctor check my cervix and broke my water not intentionally but I end up kind induction I was just 1cm when I went to hosp I got pitocin no epidural no pain medication 14hours labor 10 mins pushing ( first 12 labor 10 mins pushing )) so ill say you can
  • edited September 2011
    No thank goodness, but Dr said I probably would have ended that way if I wouldn't have gotten my epi! My body was just so tired. After the epi I progressed and had my little man 10hrs after I decided to get it! I decided at 11 pm they came in at 130 by 2am I had it and was feeling nothing lol then I slept for 5hrs when I woke I was feeling pain again but not nearly as bad! they checked me and I was 8cm. At 9am the nurse came in and I was at 9cm she had me do 2 practice pushes told me to stop, Dr came in at 915 I pushed for 25min and my little man was here :)
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