boyfriends & mood swings.

Is it just me, or am I a complete bitch for no reason sometimes? I try to explain to him its just my hormones and I really don't mean it/ can't control it. But no matter what, it leads to some sort of argument. How do I get this thru How head?!


  • my girl blew up on me just earlier today. for no reason really. I just alked her what she had done today. but I let it go cuz I know its get hormones. try to get him to b understandin. talk to him when ur not all moody n explain to him that u dont meant it.
  • See I have done that. I've even written him a cute love letter explaining all of it. But its just like he doesn't want to accept it. Idk it's aggravating bit I'm hoping it passes.
  • Cheer up jess! I'm having the same issue with my fella . I can't help it but I find my self snapping at him at the littlest things but I really don't mean too and feel bad after . But its just like sometimes they don't want to understand . I've tried apologizing but then he puts major guilt trips on and makes me feel bad for being preggs an having hormones that r going through the roof . If u ever need to vent or just a chat I'm hear . We can support each other xxx
  • Haha I just did the same thing blew up my my bf and then I cryied I felt so bad cuz I couldnt control it but when I qas prego with my daughter i was the nices persin some times I am a mean peson on a reg bases so imagine my now I felt so bad
  • Well I've honestly never blew up for no reason. I've cried over the smallest things.. but what happens when you talk calmly, go the extra mile all the time, and still get pushed to the side like you're being just horrible? I'm running out of ideas. Like one night it was like 8pm & I was craving fries.. he said I was being a brat bc I didn't want anything here to eat and that I could make myself eat something I don't like. I was like well yeah before I could, but now I can't eat the same.. and I was like we're still 18 & 19, its not like we're 50 or older.. why can't we go two minutes down the road for fries? Its always mean stuff like that, that always ends up as my fault.
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