Why cant you just appreciate it!?

edited September 2011 in Pregnancy and fathers
So me & my bf dont have sex very often because its very uncomfortable to me. I cant help this! Its not my fault! I would LOVE to be able to enjoy sex. We do still have sex sometimes. About once a month(sometimes twice) & even we I do it then..i HATE it. But I still do it for him. But he is always making these smart ass comments about how we dont have sex. Im so tired of it. It makes me feel terrible! Why cant he just appreciate the sex he DOES get!? Some men havent had sex with there preglys in months!


  • :( maybe find other ways to please him? ask him if he wants to try anything new without involving his penetration in you. or maybe catch him while he is watching tv one night and just take his pants down for a bj or something :(
  • @survivormommie3 bjs are ok but I cant get him to "orgasm" from oral sex which just makes me feel even worse.
  • I just want him to appreciate the fact that im trying! :(
  • hm. maybe research some different ways to get him off. other than sex or oral. or maybe ask him to talk you through oral- sometimes it's all a matter of how to stroke him. or get into something sexy and tell him he can "use" you any way he wants- BUT no sex. guys tend to have crazy imaginations and have an idea of something new to try
  • My sex drive is nearly nonexistent as well. Luckily hubby understands and doesn't pressure me. I'm the one that feels bad for withholding. Like @survivormommie3 said, I try to do other things for him. Good luck.
  • i would hope he does appreciate your putting yourself into a really uncomfortable position for him to get some sex. i would say the best thing to do is to talk to him about it. you two make a plan of how you guys can please each other and make sure you tell him you know it's not often, but you ARE trying
  • @justkirarenee mine doesnt really pressure me to have sex but the smart comments about not having sex is hurtful because we DO have sex. Its just not as often as he would like

    @survivormommie3 I have talked to him. He even agreed that he should appreciate it but then he turns right around & makes comments again. Just like today I was talking about shaving & he says "idk y..its not like anybody gets down there"
    Excuse me! We just had sex last week after I shaved! & I hated it then but I did it for him anyway! At least when we do have sex..he gets a nut out of it! I dont even get pleasure! Appreciate that!
  • Girl, calm down. No need to stress it. Men are jerks by nature. When he starts making comments like that just brush em off. Tell him he can kiss all sex goodbye until he starts respecting your feelings.
  • Don't worry about it hun, guys are all jerks, he's probably just down on himself because he knows you're not enjoying it. Maybe you should look up things to do during oral sex, I did and now my bd will beg me for it, you just have to get into it and it makes it that much better for him, they think it's a huge turn on that you want to do it ;)
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  • My sex drive has been nonexistant for a really long time now... Not only is it not pleasurable but it seriously hurtsss! My bf used to do the same but after we talked about it... I found out he was the one hurting. Not because we didnt have it as often but because he thought I didn't find him attractive anymore since I was never hot for him. It broke my heart. I reassured him that I still find him sexy but sex is just really uncomfortable. After that he was totally okay with it. Maybe yours feels the same causing him to make those comments? Men can secretively be just as insecure!! Goodluck with everything though, I hope it gets better for ya!! :)
  • @stbmilitarybrat we have talked about it numerous timed so I doubt thats his issue. Him having sex just seems to be important to him then me being comfortable. He just doesnt understand I guess.
  • @caffeinated_katie ugh sometimes thats how I want to be. I feel like ANY sex he gets should be better than none to him. & then everybody keeps telling me "other" ways to please him. What about me? Im not getting any pleasure. Its all misery. I just dont understand why he cant just be satisfied with what he gets. Its not like this will last forever.
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