Why cant you just appreciate it!?
So me & my bf dont have sex very often because its very uncomfortable to me. I cant help this! Its not my fault! I would LOVE to be able to enjoy sex. We do still have sex sometimes. About once a month(sometimes twice) & even we I do it then..i HATE it. But I still do it for him. But he is always making these smart ass comments about how we dont have sex. Im so tired of it. It makes me feel terrible! Why cant he just appreciate the sex he DOES get!? Some men havent had sex with there preglys in months!
@survivormommie3 I have talked to him. He even agreed that he should appreciate it but then he turns right around & makes comments again. Just like today I was talking about shaving & he says "idk y..its not like anybody gets down there"
Excuse me! We just had sex last week after I shaved! & I hated it then but I did it for him anyway! At least when we do have sex..he gets a nut out of it! I dont even get pleasure! Appreciate that!