I just have to say this : Statistics don't make you . You make who you are. Statistics is just a way for the gov't to get numbers as a whole. Yes teen pregnancy is becoming a rising issue but at the same time its also the parent's responsibility to teach their child about birth control and sex . What the consequences are and everything else. Life happens to EVERYONE !! Young teens are being diagnosed with HIV . That's a problem world wide, but you don't see a lot of ppl pushing that neither . I rather be pregnant at 15 than to have HIV at 15. Its the responsibility of that 15 year old.
The only thing im trying to say here is this , You make your life what you want it to be. Statistics , people , or anything else for that matter don't make you , They can only judge you but who are they to judge you when they have their own problems.
IT gets me how teenage moms get looked down on and people think oh they can't cope there just a kid,but you no what sod them a teenage mum is better than an older mum and can do just the same age is a number its how you raise your child that counts.I was pregnant at 16 got treat like dirt got looked down on n I'm a home mom.fingers up to all the hypocrites.its nothin to do with anyone else.
It just makes me so mad that young people get other people lookin down on them who are they to judge.I've been through it,I get funny looks when I take my kids to school but I just look write back at them with my head held high cos I bet my kids are happier than there's.cos they have fun.theyl be to old and cranky to have fun and courier minded.I wouldn't change my babies for the world.
@Mrsmaxi2010 i Agree because all my friends are teen moms . They had their children at 18 some at 13 .
Its all about the mindset of these MOTHERS . I know this girl who has two children. She's 21 years old. She has a associates degree in Nursing and she don't have custody of neither one of her kids. I know some teen moms doing way better than her . Having a baby makes you grow up . I think a 13 yr old , 15 yr old, and a 16 yr old can be just as good as a mother as anyone else
I am 16 and pregnant. 33 weeks. I was scared til I took teen parenting classes and labor and birthing classes... I looked into what recourses are here for me. I am very lucky My baby's father is still here and supportive... And my mom is supportive It is hard work and will be. I know it will be.. If you do what you have to like stay in school and be the best mommy you can. let pple judge and prove them wrong. you have to be strong for your child and your self.
I got pregnant w/ my son at 16 & had him at 17 I don't regret anything. Im now married and I have a good life for my son I am also pregnant w/ my 2nd and im going to be 19 at the end of the month! I hope everything works out for you and pleas dont hide it from your parents your mom will be your biggest support system even if she is mad in the beginning.
First off, i would like to tell every single mommy in this discussion especially the young ones that i am very proud of you. I am a strong believer in "wanting" stuff. I believe than when you truly want something, you fight for it because you want it and that's what many of you girls have done. You have fought for a better future, regardless of your falls... not many can do that. I may not be the best person to talk (cause i am 18 and pregnant) but i think that the fault for teen pregnancy rising is the lack of sex ed. and birth control and so on. I mean, i was always well informed and i still decided to have unprotected sex for which i now stand up for and admit I WAS WRONG TO NOT TAKE THE ADVICE GIVEN TO ME. I DO NOT ENCOURAGE UNPROTECTED SEX BECAUSE IT'S NOT OK AND IT CAN BE FATAL IN REAL YOUNG TEENS... INCLUDING ME. However, i am pregnant and i plan to keep my baby. Girls like you have said before, a number or a statistic or a ignorant comment doesn't define how good of a mother you can be. I believe that God has blessed us and as long as we strive for a better future for ourselves and our kids we will continue to receive more blessings. Positive attitudes girls!!! WE CAN DO IT, AND SCREW THE STATISTICS I WILL BE ONE MORE TO PROVE THEM WRONG
Statistics don't make you . You make who you are. Statistics is just a way for the gov't to get numbers as a whole. Yes teen pregnancy is becoming a rising issue but at the same time its also the parent's responsibility to teach their child about birth control and sex . What the consequences are and everything else. Life happens to EVERYONE !! Young teens are being diagnosed with HIV . That's a problem world wide, but you don't see a lot of ppl pushing that neither . I rather be pregnant at 15 than to have HIV at 15. Its the responsibility of that 15 year old.
The only thing im trying to say here is this , You make your life what you want it to be. Statistics , people , or anything else for that matter don't make you , They can only judge you but who are they to judge you when they have their own problems.
Its all about the mindset of these MOTHERS . I know this girl who has two children. She's 21 years old. She has a associates degree in Nursing and she don't have custody of neither one of her kids. I know some teen moms doing way better than her . Having a baby makes you grow up . I think a 13 yr old , 15 yr old, and a 16 yr old can be just as good as a mother as anyone else
I am very lucky My baby's father is still here and supportive... And my mom is supportive
It is hard work and will be. I know it will be.. If you do what you have to like stay in school and be the best mommy you can.
let pple judge and prove them wrong.
you have to be strong for your child and your self.
I hope everything works out for you and pleas dont hide it from your parents your mom will be your biggest support system even if she is mad in the beginning.
I may not be the best person to talk (cause i am 18 and pregnant) but i think that the fault for teen pregnancy rising is the lack of sex ed. and birth control and so on. I mean, i was always well informed and i still decided to have unprotected sex for which i now stand up for and admit I WAS WRONG TO NOT TAKE THE ADVICE GIVEN TO ME. I DO NOT ENCOURAGE UNPROTECTED SEX BECAUSE IT'S NOT OK AND IT CAN BE FATAL IN REAL YOUNG TEENS... INCLUDING ME. However, i am pregnant and i plan to keep my baby. Girls like you have said before, a number or a statistic or a ignorant comment doesn't define how good of a mother you can be. I believe that God has blessed us and as long as we strive for a better future for ourselves and our kids we will continue to receive more blessings. Positive attitudes girls!!!