I will NEVER..(mini vent)
Take a single cry for granted, take a single smile for granted, a single laugh, grunt, giggle, cough, 3 am feeding or blown out diaper. If I ever have another child, I will never complain of being over 40 weeks now that I have seen the results of a baby born at 35+6 and that's not nearly that early. These past 3 days with my son in nicu have been the hardest most trying times on my body, my marriage and my soul. I will never forget how hard this is and be grateful for everything weather it's a messy diaper or thrown up on shirt my son does when he gets home. My daughter is 21 months old and is still kinda like where is the baby we have been talking about, and I feel so horrible that she hasn't met him. I feel so horrible that my son is fighting for his life all alone and I can't be there when I should be. That he is alone and scared and struggling so hard, or to think that this is all my fault. I'm sorry, I just needed to vent a bit. Thanks for reading.
@OregonMama thank you so much, I want to post pictures on here, but I can't using my phone so I just keep bombarding Facebook. I want him home so bad.
@USMCwifemommy101107 with all that baby girl has been thru there is no way she won't be a fighter, she has over come so much in her 7 months in utero than we have in our whole lives, and no matter the outcome of her precious life, I believe she is a little wonderful angel and she has touched so many lives and isn't even born yet. Your a strong and amazing mother and don't ever forget that or let anyone say different. Don't let those Drs let you lose hope and don't let yourself lose hope. Your one of the reasons I'm trying to be so strong, your staying so strong thru such a hard ordeal I can stay strong as well.
@everyone thank you so much for the support, i just posted some pictures of him on another post