colostrum and cookies!

edited September 2011 in Parenting
My kids are so fascinated with my body since I got pregnant. I showed them today that colostrum comes out of my nipples and told them that's what their little sister will eat when she is born. My four year old bugged me forever about tasting it so I finally gave in and let her. Well she liked it, go figure and doesn't understand why her baby sister can't share her milk since she isn't here yet! Anyone else have curious children? Now my girls are going around and trying with all their might to squeeze milk out of their nipples even though I told them it just won't happen


  • Omg lmao!!!! Me and my husband can't stop laughing!
  • Lmao that is too cute!!!
  • My cousins little girl (4yrs) walks around breastfeeding her dolls! Crazy what they pick up! She says she has orange juice in hers lol!!
  • Lmao that's cute.
  • Aww too cute! :D
  • My 4yr old daughter is very curious about that stuff too.. I've already told her when the baby comes she can taste it.

    She was at every appointment with my in the beginning .... including the pap smear one.. I could tell she was curious as to what was going on and told her she could look... she looked and said with one hand on her hip "if that EVER happens to me I am going to be SOO mad!" We all started laughing!

    Today, It smelt like gas (as in cooking gas), so I asked if anyone else smelt it. Janice said "mom, now that your pregnant, you produce more gas, so its just you!" Darn four year olds!!
  • cute..
  • @garagebandfan I think its important for girls to have a good healthy understand about their bodies. If they are curious or smart enough to ask questions then I think they should be answered honestly.
  • @mama_lugs_her_girls I agree 100%! My daughter knows the baby is in my uterus, not stomach, knows all about the umbilical cord, already knows all about tampons.. can clearly explain what a vagina and penis is, and does it without laughing or giggling like most adults!! She asks all sorts of questions and I vowed when I got pregnant with her I would try not to lie with her..especially when it comes to sexuality
  • @garagebandfan my kids are the same way. I wish more parents were like that. I think it opens the door for good communication and I think if parents were more open about sex and sexuality then it would cut down on alot teen pregnancy and stds.
  • @mama_luvs_her_girls exactly!! I also think sex wouldn't be so taboo, and I bet even homosexuality would be more widely accepted if it wasn't something we were told to be embarrassed about!
    janice already knows about tampons and why you need them.
    It makes me happy to know there are other moms out there that feel the same!!
  • @garagebandfan yeah me too!! Im not going to preach to my kids about not having sex before marriage, because, let's face it, it just isn't gonna happen. Instead I'm going to teach my kids to be safe and let the understand that it is okay to enjoy enjoy sex but its important to protect yourself no matter what. Both my kids know everything from tampons to c sections. They know I will have to have one and what's involved. I got a little bit of hell from people because they think my kids know too much. I don't tell them anything they haven't asked me about. If they are smart enough to ask the question then they deserve a direct answer. Kids need to be aware and comfortable with their bodys. I know parents don't want to think about their kids engaging in sex, but we all do because we are human. I want my kids to have a healthy understanding about sex and not feel shamed of their bodys because when they do have a relationship, I want them to have a good sex life and not have hang ups in the bedroom like I did.
  • My eight year old asked me how I'm going to be awake and not feel it during my c section. I was telling her about epidurels and she looks at me says oh, I'm totally adopting when I get older
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  • lol my 8 yr old son is a total lactivist! he tells people his little brother is never sick because he gets booby milk
  • @HomeBirthAdvocate Thankyou!! That means a lot!!
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