breastfeeding and formula

edited September 2011 in Breastfeeding
Question I am a FTM and I thought of just strictly breastfeeding my son when he is here. But my fiances mom is saying to do formula and breast milk. But I don't know if its a good idea to do that. She keeps saying its good and that's how you should do it . But I thought it would be one or the other .. any help??


  • when I went to the wic office she said I could pump my milk and mix it with the formula
  • I do both breast milk and formula but to be honest I wish I had enough milk to exclusively breastfeed. Since I don't produce enough to only feed my daughter breast milk I supplementwith with 2-3 bottles of formula a day. It doesn't hurt anything and its what works best for some babies but my advice is if you can, exclusively breastfeed :)
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  • The only thing breast milk doesn't contain is vitamin d. And you can buy drops to put on your nipples so they het that. There's no need for formula, unless baby isn't gaining weight.

    I mean, what did they do back in the day before formula?? Lol
  • Are you on WIC? She might be telling you that because WiC won't give you formula if you are exclusively breastfeeding. It could also be so you are prepared if breastfeeding doesn't work out. Its good to have bottles and a bit of formula on hand, just in case. But you should breastfeed exclusively as much possible in the beginning to establish supply.
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