Is it possible?

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
For my baby to have the hiccups too much? I feel him rolling around periodically throught out the day but most of the movements ive felt lately have been hiccups, happening 3+ times a day. Ill be 38 weeks tomorrow....


  • No, he's fine. My first did that all the time! This one just rolls a bunch. Hes fine mommy.
  • I don't think its a bad is just baby learning to breathe that causes them. I know my son gets so mad when he has them and usually throws a temper tantrum that I'm sure bruises the inside of my uterus.
  • I don't think its a bad is just baby learning to breathe that causes them. I know my son gets so mad when he has them and usually throws a temper tantrum that I'm sure bruises the inside of my uterus.
  • It's a good thing. Ya know everything is going ok :)
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