@life Good!! I met a woman about a month ago, my hubby and I asked her and her man how far along they were and she said 6 days over due. I thought oh man... :-(
@iwantaboy18 yayy lol... and i pray you have progress my next appt is on friday when im 39w2d and im praying for progess at 36w6d i was 1cm 50% so pray for me as well.. its almost our turn ;-)
@iwantaboy18 exciting im glad youve progressed .. i hope i have as well when i go i feel like i have .. and i know it so surreal that we've came this far almost there
Yay for us same DD
I have a follow up appt hope for some progress! last week I was only 1 cm :O
8 days whoot whoo
Yay just found out I'm 2 cm
almost there yay(:
I'll pray for ya ^_^
Its almost over is this your first baby (: