
edited September 2011 in Pregnant
Just a few months before i got pregnant when i had sex with my husband it burns after sex. Im due in 22 days. No bladder infection and no stds..when i asked my dr the first time what it was she said use lube for sex and even that or going to the tub and putting the hose down there to wet it for a solid 5 mins still doesnt make the burn go, only time. If i pee it feels wayy worse.. anuone have an idea or feel this way. Sex can last 2mins or a hour and its the same feeling..


  • No answer sorry. But here's a bump for you
  • Hmm.... sounds like ur having dryness from hormones. Very common! Try applying s little water based lub. e in there to keep it moist. When having sex id go with a creamy lube or a silicon based lube. They tend to make it a very smooth ride. After baby id look into a vaginal moisturing douch or cream. Pregnany age all kinds of things can ruin ur bodies um ability to lube right. Hope this helped!
  • She said before she got pg it was hurting too.
    So not her hormones.

    But Idk hun. So bump*
  • Maybe its his sperm
  • U could be allergic to his spermies!
  • I have had this for the entire time I have been with my hubby and it is because I am sensitive to his sperm. One reason it took us two years to conceive.
  • I know I have to " clean up" if we don't use a condom because it burns for me too. I noticed this before pregnancy as well. I just thought it "normal " since we both waited to have sex untill marriage .. I guess it's not " normal ". Hummmm...
  • I had that issue when I 1st got with my hubby! Went to a dr and he said I was allergic to my husbands sperm. Weird I know lol but thats what he said. I had the same burning you said your having. He on some meds, after a while it got better. Hope yours does too!
  • I had that with my ex... Was overly sensitive to his sperm. Cleaning up with baby wipes helped to ease it though and using lots of lube
  • @tink1326 @pnsw524 @mrs4c @romeike89 @kingsmama @newmomma13 @leggs2011 thanks for your answers..that is weird.. i never heard of that.. but could i still be allergic if we had sex before with no problems? We have been together like 3.5 yrs.. and it started happening like a year ago now..
  • Oh I wouldnt think you would develop an allergic reaction after all that time. Try the baby wipes. I used clensing cloths sold in the same section as monastat and stuff like that. Hopefully that helps!
  • I get that too!
  • @pnsw524 thanks ill have to try that.. any specific baby wipe or could i used sensitive skin baby wipes from baby isle? Since thats what im planning on buying for baby
  • Yes u can develop a reaction even after years of being together. They can take a sample of hubbys sperm and do a skin test on u to see if ur allergic to him. Tho I have heard its a painful process.
  • @kingsmama really..? Hmm..well i did end up asking my dr againn. And she said it could have been me ovulating(before pregnancy) and now my hormones being pg. She said it will most possibly continue during breastfeeding too. But i never felt it when i ovulated before..she said we will fix it and worry about it later since it isnt something to worry about.. idk. Kinda frustrating
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