I'm so sad, and shouldn't be(vent)

edited September 2011 in Birth Stories
My son was born at 35+6 days and has been as of tomorrow in the nicu for a week, he will also be a week old tomorrow. I was given a emergency csection due to a partial previa and too much amniotic fluid, and contractions two minutes apart. I went in at 12 pm for a Nst ordered by my dr to just check on the babies heart rate found out I was getting a ultrasound to check the position of my placenta to see if it had shifted away from my cervix, and to see if my fluid had gone down. None of which had happened and I actually had more fluid. So they decided at 6 my son would be born because they believed I was actually 36+5 and I knew I wasn't, but they didn't believe me. Well as soon as my son was born and I heard him cry, my heart dropped. It was so fast and gurgled I could tell right away it was wrong. I was happy to hear him devastated it wasn't right. I had been being told through this whole ordeal I was going to be able to have my son in recovery. To sum it up to this point. I go see him everyday and was only able to hold him 5 minutes the day he was born and not till 2 days after. I am so happy he is no longer on a intabator and is using only a high flow nasal tube but it breaks my heart he isn't with me. I have no patients for my daughter cause I'm so depressed and I miss my son. I keep going to feel my belly and he's not there and he's not with me, and I feel like a horrible mother. I love my kids so much and I want them both here. :,( I'm sorry this is so long, and I would make it longer but realized it is horribly long :/


  • And I decided I'm going to actually keep venting cause I have no one to talk to right now. I am trying so hard to keep it together for my family and I just want to scream and rip my hair out for this. I want my baby boy here and I want to hold him, and I can't help but think this is all my fault. That if I would have taken my prenatals more often, or not done as much walking, or such warm showers, or eaten that deli meat or something!! Anything!! That if I hadn't complained when I was 35 weeks that I just didn't want to be pregnant and wanted my husband to hold him in his belly for a bit so i could go the night with out waking up to pee, if I hadnt complained at all, maybe I could still be pregnant and my son would at least be with me, that I could still have enough energy for my daughter even tho I was tired and huge pregnant. Now my belly hurts I have no energy still but it's from depression, and I feel like I'm failing her as a mom cause I can't be there the way I should. And it's horrible and I'm horrible and I love her and my son more than anything and I just wish I could be better for them. I'm sorry everyone if you actually read this, but thank you.
  • Oh sweetheart! None of this is your fault! nothing you could have done would have made a different outcome! maybe talk to your Dr and tell them you are feeling depressed. I'm really sorry you are going through this! I hope you get to take him home soon!
  • Ok take a deep breath and listen. The fact that you feel guilty (though you did NOTHING wrong) tells me you are a GREAT mommy. What's done is done. There is nothing you can do to change it. What you CAN do is take the fact that you realize your daughter needs you and act upon it. You love your kids. Anyone can see that. But you CANT let deppression get the best of you! Dry your eyes, boo. Soon enough this will be a distant memory and your son will be running, smiling, laughing and playing next to your daughter. But in the meantime, focus your energy on your daughter, because she still needs you too. Your baby boy is going to be fine. He's in the best place possible right now. Get yourself together and let God handle the rest! :)
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  • @smcox thank you so much, I just hate the fact that I feel this way. I feel I should be there with him and I can't help but to think he is scared all alone there. I talked to my doctor and she said it's actually normal how I'm feeling and if I start feeling worse or like I may hurt myself or my daughter (which I would never ever do, I can't imagine anything happening to her, and couldnt never live with myself if I was the reason) then I need to go and be seen. Thank you for your support!

    @sissylala thank you so much, your post made me cry. I love them both so much an my heart swells with pride when I see them. I know soon enough he will be with us all all the time, but it just seems each day is a year. I am trying really really hard to play with my daughter and be there for her, but I can't play like I used to cause my csection and my moods. I still love to be with her and could never be apart from her. She was the best thing ever in my life until my son came, now they both are. I didn't know I could love people as much as I did until I saw there beautiful faces. I pray every day that god will give my son the strength to get better an me to heal and move past the fact he isn't with me and to be there for mya. I feel he is helping bit by bit. Thank you again for your kind words. I really needed them.

    @ashleyfew it's breaking my heart to see when woman are posting that they want there babies out at 36 weeks now that I see what a difference those 2 weeks make. I really hope that my story will be a little wake up call. Not saying they are bad mothers, but I would much rather be in pain and pregnant then see my son with a tube down his throat and ivs all over his body. I would take away all the pain If I could go back and just beg to be pregnant a little longer.

    @tiff87124 thank you. How was your baby? Were they intabated? Or cpap? Or high flow oxygen? I'm so glad your baby js home and ok!! That's so wonderful!! and I wish so bad my son would come home tomorrow at a week :/ but that won't happen, but I'm praying.
  • Oh no... I feel so bad for u right now and wish I could come and give u a huge hug! None of this is ur fault and u didn't do anything to deserve any of this. Things happen that arnt fair! I hope he gets out of nicu soon and ut family can b together.but understand he's there to get help.n healthy. Im sure things will b right in a few short weeks
  • I agree with all the ladies. U did absolutely nothing wrong!!!! No matter how hard u would have tried n done it over I'm.sure the outcome would probably b the same! Stay strong mama! He will b home soon in no time. Try to give ur babygirl attention bc its going to b hard for her to get as much attention when ur babyboy is home. Congrats BTW!
  • edited September 2011
    You're on the right track, mama. Just remember to take time for yourself. Those babies need a healthy mama! I know it seems like forever, but in due time, all will be right and you will gain your happiness back. Just keep a strong hold on those emotions, and if at any time you feel you're "losing it", reach out to someone and talk. Whether it be someone you are close to or us preglies... just don't bottle it up. If it gets unbearable, talk to your dr. I assure you, this too shall pass!
  • @tiff87124 thank you so much for your info! I call the nicu a lot lol, every 3 hours usually right after I pump. I got to nurse today!!! I was so happy!! He got put under the billialights, and they said I couldn't hold him today, and was surprised try wanted me to nurse! He even rooted super well thru my clothes and latched right on, fed steady even thru my let down!! He kept at it for about 10 minutes played with me for a couple after and he then fell asleep and was super mad when I would move him away from my breast lol! Sorry this is so long I am just so excited! I get to go back tomorrow and he was at 5% flow and went down to 4% today!! So yay for that! I'm so glad your kids are Doing so well and you have energy for them. My daughter has been super clingy to me today and it was actually nice :) so we have been playing and having fun. It was much needed to help my mood go up, she's been all about daddy for a couple months.
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