37 weeks today and 3 cm dialated (got a ? for u guys)

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
So I'm 37 weeks today and my dr said I am 3 cm dialated already. Does that mean he's coming early? I think I need to go pack my hospital bag. He's supposed to come on Oct 6th.


  • It could take you a while to dilate. I was 2cm at 36 weeks and didn't go to 3 until 39 weeks.
  • You just never know.....it could be tomorrow or 3 weeks...never hurts to be prepared!
  • Doesn't mean that for a lot of moms. With my first I was dilated for weeks. I had a client who was dilated at 5 since 34 weeks and she made it to 42. I had a crazy fast labor and so did my client :)
  • edited September 2011
    @ash1la @Bahamamama4828 @Misty2011 Thanks guys, yea I asked my doc this question and she just said not exactly, but I wanted to know what everyone else experienced personally. She also said she felt his head =)
  • Did she say if his head was big? Lol. My doctor always told me "his head is really huge!" Lol
  • I think too it also depends on your activity. If you go home and rest that might prolong dialation. If you go home and walk or just have a active life that could help you dialate more. I had my son @37+5. I was originally supposed to he induced at 38+1 but I went to the doctor at 37+4 and was already at 3cm and my husband had a game Thursday, and would have left Wednesday .....and we didn't want to risk him not being there and I had high BP issues so they just went on and induced the next day.....I don't know if I would or wouldn't have been able to make it to that Friday...I did have pre term issues with him as well....I wouldn't worry though bc if he/ she wants to come then they are coming....point blank period!
  • Nah, my mom was dilated at a 3, one Dr said 4, at 36 weeks and she ended up having my brother exactly on his due date. So, 40 weeks. And she was in labor with him for 33 hours.
  • At 37 i was 3 and had my daughter same day i found out i was 3 cuz i was in labor then went to 4 and they admitted me. But defintely get packed soon because u are full term and it could happen anytime.
  • edited September 2011
    @Misty2011 LOL aww ur poor vajayjay, did u have him vaginally or c-section? I hope he doesn't have a big head lol...they do say he has a big wee-wee for a baby smh lol One ultrasound tech joked and said "what's his name again? I'm going to call him Moose" But I think he plays with it beforehand (we always catch him doing it lol) cuz he knows he's gonna be on camera lol (ooh lord I think I have a baby porn star on my hands ) X_X

    @ash1la wow u had him the very next day! I hope he stays in there a while longer. I do feel as if he has dropped tho. And as soon as I came home from the dr I went and walked my dog around my block (which I would say is almost like walking around a track)

    @LittleFae well I hope he comes on his due date like your brother did :)

    @kailiasmomma05 did ur water break? wow u had her the same day. Hopefully mmine doesn't dialate as fast. I was thinking of trying primrose (dr recommended) but now I don't think I need it. Also where can I find a good list of what exactly to pack?
  • jealous! :/
    i just got checked 2day & im 37+5wks & im 0cm dilated!!! :(
  • @singlemama - lol thank you, I wouldn't mind a few days later like the 6th (I'm due the 3rd) the 6th is my dad's b-day.
  • I had him vaginally. His head was 14" I don't really know if that's big or not. Haha. I never hear anyone mention it.

    Haha. He's already blessed.
  • I had to go in for early labour stuff at 35+2 and they said I have started to dilate but didn't say how much. Contractions stopped on their own but they think I will go a bit early.
    But with my son I was at 1cm on the Monday at 40+2 and had him on the Thursday and had a 17 hour labour that was pretty good with no complications... Every baby is different... Stubborn little buggers lol
  • I was 1cm at my 37 wk appointment. That was Friday July 21 and my water broke on Sunday at 1030 and I had him the next morning on the 25th.
  • I was at 3 cm with my second child for 6 weeks, ended up being induced at 42 wks. I wish you better luck than that though! ;)
  • Yeah I was induced, it went quick I was only in labor for 3 hours and I didn't get pitocin...they broke my water....so I guess he was ready to come! And e was 6lbs 13oz....so nice an healthy. Whatever happens good luck
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