If You Need a Laugh... (TMI)

edited September 2011 in Just for Fun
I have never done this before, just while I've been pregnant. Lol. It's happened 2 or 3 times now... Well, I did it again last night, and thought I should share. You know, for the lolz.

It's that moment, when you finish going pee. You grab some toilet paper, wad it up, stand up, and reach down. You go for the swipe--but wait! All of a sudden, you lose grip of the toilet paper. It springs open and goes flying right between your legs. It's gone.

And the next thing you know, your hand is cupping your vadge.

And you just stand there, and wonder how you're going to get out of this horrible, horrible mess.

Ugh. I just wanna slap my forehead. But I can't, because there's pee and vadge juice all over my hand. Wtf...


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