extreme belly soreness

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
My belly is aching almost like its bruised. Has anyone else had this or does Anyone know Why this would be happening. It started a little yesterday and has just been getting worse. Its not coming and going at all its Just this constant soreness of My whole belly but especially the top half. Im 31 weeks. Thank u for any response or bump!


  • emyemy
    edited September 2011
    Mine feels that way after a few bh's. Srry hun im not sure though. Bump
  • Thanks for the reply! I havnt had any today that i know of but did have a lot od conteactions tue-wed that landed me in the hospital. Dr said i was not dialating e anything so it was okay as long ad i didnt get more than 5 in an hour. So maybe im sore from all that? Anyone know for sure or had experience with this? If its still sore tomorrow I will call Dr again I would Just like some insight until then.
  • It sounds like braxton Hicks idk! !!
  • Sorry so many typos... stupid phone....
  • Sometimes a breech position will give you a sore belly, especially on top.
  • At hospital on Tuesday ultrasound showed her as head down and Dr said she would probably stay that way so im not sure if that is the cause but it could be and I appreciate the response @wilsomom.

    It feels different that bh's but also thank u for response @mybabe
  • @314babymama1120, does it hurt to touch it. I know that my dr said if hurts could be infection. I would call l and delivery just to be safe. Sorry if I dont respond again but my phone is dying
  • @jodi102011 yes it is sore to touch kinda like a bruise is, it aches all the time but hurts more when I touch it. My Dr office is open Saturday mornings so I will call 1st thing.

    @all I just really want to hear if other women have had this an what it turned out to be.
  • I get like that sometimes. It starts as an ache like I've done too many crunches. When I spoke to my ob about it I was told that it was a result of the bh and 'growing pains/muscle stretching'
  • Any updates? I hope all is ok.
  • @wilsomom When I called Dr this am they said it was most likely muscle soreness from so many contractions / bh's. Thank you ladies for your help!
  • I've had that for the past 3 weeks. Dr. put me on prilosec and it seems to help. Ended up in the hospital with massive stomach pains thinking they were contractions but they said it was a bladder infection, the culture for the infection came back negative.....so they thought it was my gallbladder, hence the prilosec
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