Nursing with a moby

edited September 2011 in Breastfeeding
So I finally took out my moby today and wore baby Cruz around for a while and got my hubby to wear him too. He got hungry so I went on YouTube and watched the video on how to breastfeed hands free. Super easy and he loves it! He takes his sweet time to nurse so I was able to get so much done around the house while he was eating :). So anyone thinking of using one should I can't wait to use it again and again lol.


  • That's awesome! Thats what I always suggest to moms with babies who want to be held and nursed a lot :D
  • I don't have a moby but I have several ring slings that I do the same with. I've bf in public more times then I can remember with that thing *and a great deal more then people around me would ever know lol*
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