haha @mz_kitty90 it is also very nice to meet you! & YES he is very rotten! all boy and full of energy every second of the day :] being as HUGE as i am he knows i cant move as fast so he climbs up on EVERYTHING hes a stinker but i wouldnt change him for the world. Im beginning to think im really gunna have my handsfull tho haha. & yes 5 generations believe me when i say i was expecting to have all boys and i was very ok with that. When we found out she was a girl i was shocked! im still in shock and i always say i wont believe it til i see it.. i think thats why im having such a hard time naming her or maybe im in denial who knows :P
Kasandra Kassy 27 yrs old Live in laredo tx I'm a teacher who just had my first child on august 30, 2011. She is so perfect! Her name is Alivia Grace. I'm happily married to a border patrol agent who I graduated high school with.
@Landynplus1momma - hehe sounds like your lil boy is being very cheeky first girl in 5 generations.. she sounds like she'll defiantly be spoilt ;-) what names have you been thinking of? i doubt your in denial.. your just in shock haha :-D
well i cant decide if i want to do another L or not! we Like Lailah, Leah, & Lola for L's idk if i want to do like L's and T's and name her tessa or if we want to do a different letter and name her audriana ( my grandma is audrey) Aubrielle or Ariana.
a little background into our weird families and why i could want to continue with the same letter would be because.. My family the chilren are all K's. Kailey, Kelly & kaden so I wasnt and wont to a K name lol My husbands family are all T's Tyler, Tevon, Trait, Taylor & Trent so i feel like if i name her Tessa it would be like why couldnt i just pick a k name which for some reason im totally aginst! ugh to hard for me lol i Dont want landyn to feel left out bc he is the only L name lol ahh sorry for pouring my heart out haha!
My names Alesha 21 years old Nickname: SHESHE I'm a first time mom scheduled to get induced today with a little boy ,Bentley I live in slidell,Louisiana which is about 20 min from new Orleans. Been married two years to my husband Allen ,together for four. Were so excited about this new chapter in our lives,and can't wait for what's ahead.
Name: Bertha Nickname: Betty Age: 39 Live: In Dallas, Tx area I worked for school district for 10 yrs...WOWWWW! Time flies..... I have a 13(b) 10(g) & my lil surprise baby girl 3 mnths! She was born on my birthday and born weighn 10lbs 12oz.... And Ive been in Pregly-landia since Jan.
@Landynplus1momma - haha all good! i love your sons name and the spelling of it i like the name lailah.. my family is the same, my mums name is kassie and im katijah.. i defiantly didn't pass the K trend to my daughter.. i named her zalfa
Name: Andrea Nickname: Drea Age: 31 NY I'm and CNS, RN. My background is in solid organ transplant (liver, kidney, pancreas) and critical care (ICU). I quit working last December to be a SAHM to our now 19 month old daughter. Baby girl #2 is scheduled to be here in 37 days!
Name: nikki Age: 20. 21 Oct 16th Live: lakeland fl Something about me: I married my high school sweet heart at 18 we wasted no time on having babies and I became a mom for the 1st time in June of 2010. My 2nd pregnancy happened when I had an iud in and we had to worry about miscarriage but everything is great now! I love being a mom & a wife!
Im Michelle Age, 32 Northern Ohio near cedar point I have 2 boys, 15 n 10, I usually comment alot but just changed my profile pic, and I will be having my little girl Starr Olivia in 11 days, unless I can get her to turn(she's transverse) n have a successful vbac b4 then!!! Also my 10 year old and I have been vegetarians for 3 years, and b4 I got preggo I was going to cosmetology school!
@preggomommyof4 that's great! I'm happy to see another nurse-mommy on here! I really miss being in the ICU. Did you like it? What type of nursing are you doing now? I do have a Masters. I finished my CNS in 2008.
Name: kelsey Nickname: kels Age: 21 From: phoenix, az but currently fort hood, texas (usa) I'm 32+5 due nov. 8 with a boy Liam Gage and I hace a 21 month old boy Landen Lawrence. I was a cna but now im a mommy and army wife! Lol
Name: Molly Nickname: Moll, S'Molls and soon I'll be known as Mommy I'm 19, about to turn 20. I'm from Southern California. Due next week! September 22nd<3 I'm married, this is our first child, its a little girl. We are naming her Kailynn (:
My name is Marissa My nickname is Mari or Lizzy (my middle name is Elizabeth) Age is 28 I'm from Austin, TX I was married 12/10 and I am a FTM pregnant with twin boys due 11/25
Hi I'm Danyelle Nick name: Danny Age: 21 Live: Pittsburgh (hope you guys watching that Steeler game we kicking butt lol) About me: I'm a ftm bout to give birth to a boy. His name Devin Jr. I'm 40w+4 and having my induction tomorrow morning at 10:00. And my occupation for now is home-care and go to school to become an RN.
27 yrs old
Live in laredo tx
I'm a teacher who just had my first child on august 30, 2011. She is so perfect! Her name is Alivia Grace. I'm happily married to a border patrol agent who I graduated high school with.
a little background into our weird families and why i could want to continue with the same letter would be because.. My family the chilren are all K's. Kailey, Kelly & kaden so I wasnt and wont to a K name lol My husbands family are all T's Tyler, Tevon, Trait, Taylor & Trent so i feel like if i name her Tessa it would be like why couldnt i just pick a k name which for some reason im totally aginst! ugh to hard for me lol i Dont want landyn to feel left out bc he is the only L name lol ahh sorry for pouring my heart out haha!
21 years old
Nickname: SHESHE
I'm a first time mom scheduled to get induced today with a little boy ,Bentley
Nickname: Betty
Age: 39
Live: In Dallas, Tx area
I worked for school district for 10 yrs...WOWWWW! Time flies.....
I have a 13(b) 10(g) & my lil surprise baby girl 3 mnths! She was born on my birthday and born weighn 10lbs 12oz....
And Ive been in Pregly-landia since Jan.
25 will be 26 in a month
I have 3 boys and about to have my 4th im due nov 9 but think he wil be here b4 that.
Nickname: Drea
Age: 31
I'm and CNS, RN. My background is in solid organ transplant (liver, kidney, pancreas) and critical care (ICU). I quit working last December to be a SAHM to our now 19 month old daughter. Baby girl #2 is scheduled to be here in 37 days!
Age: 20. 21 Oct 16th
Live: lakeland fl
Something about me: I married my high school sweet heart at 18 we wasted no time on having babies and I became a mom for the 1st time in June of 2010. My 2nd pregnancy happened when I had an iud in and we had to worry about miscarriage but everything is great now! I love being a mom & a wife!
Age, 32
Northern Ohio near cedar point
I have 2 boys, 15 n 10, I usually comment alot but just changed my profile pic, and I will be having my little girl Starr Olivia in 11 days, unless I can get her to turn(she's transverse) n have a successful vbac b4 then!!! Also my 10 year old and I have been vegetarians for 3 years, and b4 I got preggo I was going to cosmetology school!
I'm a ftm due nov.10 with a girl......can't wait to meet my baby
I'm a ftm due nov.10 with a girl......can't wait to meet my baby
22yrs old
Greenville, SC (USA)
This will be my first child...having a girl due nov 10...her name is Taylor Aaliyah....
Southern Cali
Due with first child November 24
His name is Jeremiah Tapp Butler
Nick name chris
from Glendale az
Had a little boy Xavier july21 and i'm a juvenile dention officer.
Nickname: kels
Age: 21
From: phoenix, az but currently fort hood, texas (usa)
I'm 32+5 due nov. 8 with a boy Liam Gage and I hace a 21 month old boy Landen Lawrence. I was a cna but now im a mommy and army wife! Lol
Nickname: Moll, S'Molls and soon I'll be known as Mommy
I'm 19, about to turn 20.
I'm from Southern California.
Due next week! September 22nd<3 I'm married, this is our first child, its a little girl. We are naming her Kailynn (:
My nickname is Mari or Lizzy (my middle name is Elizabeth)
Age is 28
I'm from Austin, TX
I was married 12/10 and I am a FTM pregnant with twin boys due 11/25
Nicknames boobie,scooby,roo
L.a. California
3 girls 13 yrs 2 yrs 4 months and a stepson 3
I'm the 3rd child of 6 kids
Nick name: Danny
Age: 21
Live: Pittsburgh (hope you guys watching that Steeler game we kicking butt lol)
About me: I'm a ftm bout to give birth to a boy. His name Devin Jr. I'm 40w+4 and having my induction tomorrow morning at 10:00. And my occupation for now is home-care and go to school to become an RN.