how can i stop my milk from comming in?

edited September 2011 in Breastfeeding
My breast hurt really bad and they are really hard so i know they r full but when i try to pump them nothing is comming out! Can some one tell me if its possible to do something to stop the milk from coming in and what???


  • Do you want to bf/pump or do you wanna stop completely?
  • I'm still my pregnant with my first so I have no experience with this, but I think eventually (after a period of time of no breastfeeding &/or pumping) it dries up. I know so many people have told me how painful the boobs are when you're finished bf/pumping.
  • There is some tea I think by the same people that does mothers milk tea to stop milk production. Ill try to find you a link
  • Use cold compresses, wear a tight fitting bra, do not apply heat or let hot water run over them while in the shower. They will be sore & engorged for a couple days but the pain goes away. I bought a sports bra that was 2 sizes too small & wore it all the time. Only take it off while you're showering.
    not the one I was thinking of but this has instructions for sage tea
  • I actually expressed a tiny bit at a time when I stopped with my daughter. Just enough to stop the horrific pain and make it bearable. I think it was like 5-6 times a day for a few days then it dwindled down from there.
  • The waiting game is best. If you pump or feed your body will replace what is taken. You have to wait for your supply to dimish. In the man time, put cabbage leaves in your bra. No one knows why that works but it does. I don't know anything about the tea they mentioned though
  • Cabbage leaves in your bra!
  • Ok ima try the cabbage leaves if some one asks i am saving them for when i get hungrry dam it!!! Lol
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