All she does is cry and scream!!! Ladies I need help or advice :( please

edited September 2011 in Parenting
So my daughter is 4 months old and she all of a sudden got used to being carried :( when I put her down on her bouncer or lay her down when she is sleeping she wakes up crying or she starts yelling like crazy !!! I am loosing my patience and need advice please


  • My daughter has been the same way and is 4 months also. Maybe it's a phase... St least I hope it is!!!
  • Get a sling? That helped me during the day. At night make sure she's really asleep before you lay her down. You should be able to lift her arm and drop it and not have her wake up. Also swaddling, pacifiers, and white noise can all help soothe her while she's sleeping so she stays asleep. Good luck!
  • Have you tried the swing? It was great for my son.. other then that I know its tough and u can get through it but just keep not holding her all the time.. she will eventually get use to that... consistency is key. She will get tired of screaming all the time too.. wish I could help more.
  • My son is 4 1/2 months and he would cry not stop till he was put on his belly or rolled over.onto his belly. The swing also helped.
  • edited September 2011
    @navybabyonway ugh I hope it's a phase it's frustrating
    @laura536 I have a sling but she is always trying to climb out and I also get scared I might drop her :/ and I will start doing that with her arm that way I can see she is completly out
    @novmthumper11 @mrsmitchell03 I will look into getting a swing but I think isnt it like a bouncer???
  • Do you think she's starting to teeth? My son was awful around that age. When he was teething, he was extra clingy. Maybe something as simple as tylenol will help. I wish they still made teething tablets, because those were a huge help too. Also, if you think it could be gas, mylicon drops are helpful.

    As for the swing, I never had one, but it IS different from a bouncer. I used to swaddle him before putting him in it and he'd sleep a ton better.
  • You might need a different kind of carrier, like a front pack or a moby wrap. I think you live in a different country, so I'm not sure how easy it is to get stuff like that there, but it's super easy to make a moby type wrap:

    The swing is a good suggestion too! It's a different motion than a bouncer and more of a swaying motion like she's used to from being carried by you. We used a swing a lot!
  • I'm with sling, wrap, or swing
  • Nope its different. all though my son loves is bouncer toi because he kicks, ALOT. The swing rocks side to side or front to back. The bouncer bounces back and forth when they kick and move. I got the graco swing, and I love it. It plays lullabuys gor him and it can also play like the ocean noise or the birds etc. hes been sleeping in it because he rolls in his sleep in his crib and his pediatrician was no help.. But he loves his swing, only to sleep in though. He wont sleep in his bouncer.
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