Please Read...
I know that when time comes toward the end of your pregnancy, we all feel like complete crap and terrible, but I am asking you to please be thankful for everyday that your baby is in you. My daughter was born on September 12th at 36weeks 6days. Both her lungs were collapsed and she spent 5 days having air pushed into her lungs trying to get them to open all the way. She is doing good now, but she certainly was not ready to enter the world. I see babies born at 37weeks, or mothers saying "oh 37weeks is full term and your baby will be fine" and the truth is, only your body and your baby know when they will "be fine". I pray that my daughter could have spent any amount of extra time inside me because then I wouldn't have watched her with more tubes in her body then you could ever imagine. Please, nobody should try to self-induce. Just let your body do it naturally or once your due date hits, talk to your doctor about things. I know it hurts your back and feet and head, but those aches and pains are a lot easier then watching your day old baby suffer through tubes and cords.
Thank you guys for listening... Please, take my advice.
Thank you guys for listening... Please, take my advice.
May I ask what caused your little one to be born early??