induction, * update!

edited September 2011 in Labor
I just got my IV and they just inserted cytoytsc (spellingz) so now that want me to 4 hours untilled pittciom at 6am

Ambiance now updates later b

Got my pitcion around 6am had contractions and was dilated to a 2... then started having bad contractions and got my first pain meds around 9am. They broke my water about 11/12
Finally got my epidural around 1 and have my beautiful baby boy at 5:38

Gunner Allen 8pounds 3ozs 20inchs long


  • Cervidil or cytotec? Good luck!
  • @bahamamama4828 2 dose of Cytotec
    which isn't pleaseant at all.
  • Aww. Easy labor dust!
  • Aww good luck!!! :-) I'll be praying for you.
    Im a ftm so ill share my birth story if itll help. >:D<
    i was due august 5th and I was beginning my induction on august 11 at 7:30am and started pitocin right after my IV. Contractions started coming but I had pure back labor. Ouch.. I was stuck at a 1.5cm and 80 effaced. I didn't ask for pain meds throughout the day because I expected an epi soon. Well at 5:30pm I asked for some medicine but sense I hadn't changed in dilation, they stopped the pitocin, allowed me to eat and shower (thank God) and I'd start again in the morning. So I got a pain pill and some nubane(sp?) through my IV and passed out with the best sleep of my life. Lol

    August 12th, 6:00am they restarted pitocin which scared me because all the pain I went through the day before felt like it was wasted and now I had a whole new day of it when I was supposed to be holding my baby. Ya know?
    Well - more and more back labor but around 11:00am, they said I was almost a 2 so theyd attempt to break my water.. I was like "OMG - ALMOST A 2!?! SHOULDNT I HAVE AN EPI FOR THIS?!"
    Lmao... Shame shame because it didn't hurt at all :) well my water broke and an hour later I was at 5cm and after almost 2 days in labor, I was getting sick of feeling contractions. So I got my epi (did NOT hurt) and passed out for a good bit :-D woke up was 10cm dilated and 100% effaced and was soooo ready to have her. *if you can sleep, I recommend it* I was wide awake after my nap and only pushed for 45 mins. At 6:58pm on august 12, my Jemma Grace was born!!! I didn't cry during my labor - I didn't scream or call anyone any names but when my baby cried and I heard her take her first breath, I sobbed!
    My boyfriend looked at me and grabbed my hand while they took her to get cleaned up and said he loved me and all I said was "*GASP* condoms... *GASP*" lmao! I never wanted to do this again. When I woke up in the morning, I grabbed my tummy to feel my baby kick forgetting that I had her and sadness kicked in. The feeling of being pregnant was awesome and I missed it. Now I'm almost 6 weeks PP and cannot wait to have that experience again!!! I wanna have the hype of the baby moving, the excitement of wondering when labor will begin and where will it happen but most of all, the excitement of who will he/she look like. Needless to say, I WILL do this again if it's in Gods plan and I know you will do fine. ;-)
    God bless you and I cannot wait to see pics. >:D<
  • Congrats on ur lil boy gunner :) hes the perfect size.
  • Awe wat a cutie, sleepin angel :)
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