Everything there is to know about play yards HELP!! & u/s update!
Ok so originally I wanted a crib, bed set, the whole 9 but now I'm having second thoughts..I want the baby to be in the room with us at first and I don't think the crib will give us much space..so I'm thinking about getting a play yard for the baby to sleep in while he's in our room. I want any info u ladies have on this..can a mattress go in it?? I know they have the upper layer that works as a bassinet but is there a cushion our pad I can put in it? Do u ladies even think this is a good idea? I need help..I have to do this asap..I'm going to walmart tomorrow to look at some and see what they have to offer. ALSO I went today to the hospital to do my glucose test and I got an unexpected ultra sound!!! BTW I'm 35 + 1 day ..I found out my baby is weighing at 6 pounds..omg he's gonna be huge!!! I'm so excited 34 days to go!! God bless you all ladies!
I don't see anything wrong with using one as a type of co-sleeper if you raise the playard mattress up.