Who has has a natural labor, no meds, no induction?

edited September 2011 in Giving birth
And can you remember how it felt and ways you eased the pain?


  • It felt like hell and my mom and fiance would vigorously rub my lower back. Helped a little.
  • edited September 2011
    I did w/my son...I was only n pain for like 3 hrs..strong contractions around 1am and then went to the hospital around 3..well almost 4 and was at 9 cm when I got there and delivered him at 5:59 am
    super fast..and super easy..but super painful..
    But idk how its gonna go w/this one..
  • I did with my second. I woke at 7am and kept going toilet so thought I had infection. I went to hospital at 9.30 am to get some medication and they checked me. I wasn't dilated so they started getting my meds. At 11.30am I was in pain so a midwife was called to check me again. She checked me at 11.40 and I had my daughter at 11.45am lol. It hurt like mad and I was shaking for about an hour afterwards due to the shock. I'm so hoping this one is the same x
  • I did with my first. I walled untill it was time to push. When a contraction came on I stopped, leaned on the counter and breathed through it. My second was a csec :(. I would have rather done it natural. It was a great experience.
  • edited September 2011
    And yes it was the most painful thing I have ever experienced!
  • I walked alot to distract my self... Felt first contraction at 5.50am... Went into hospital at 5.30pm and had him at 11.12pm. Long labour but didn't stress my body and progressed nicely. Heat pack on the painful area and a shower helped alot, im going to try a bath this time if I can sit still lol
  • I did! I had my first baby 1 week ago. It was painful but bearable. I chose a natural waterbirth. Active labor was about 6 hours long. I had a great support system with me including my hubby. Sitting on the toilet helped a lot for the early part. Once I hit 7 cm I was put into the birthing tub. The warm water helped with pain and avoid tearing. My son weighed 8lbs 7oz and I did not tear.
  • I did with my 2nd bc I woke up and my water had broke so went to hospital and was already dialated to a 7 so it was to late for meds. It was very painful, when I had to push the head out it felt like someone was holding a lighter to my vajayjay but once the head came out all the pain was over and recovery was alot faster but I'd still rather have the pain meds :)
  • I did with my first two and had an epi with my 3rd. I hated the side effects I had with the epi for months after on top of it prolonging my labor. Natural hurt but liked having control of my body. I'm gonna do natural with my 4th as well. I may have just had a bad experience with the epi cuz many women swear by it. I guess we're all different :)
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  • I did with my first, arrive at the hospital at 8cm. Worst pain ever! Took me 3 hrs to get to a full 10. They wouldnt let me get an epidural cause I was too far along. With my second I actually felt no pain till I got to 6cm and when I started to feel pain it was no where near as bad as my first so I never asked for an epidural or anything.
  • Iv had 4 no nothing n all big babies 1s 8lb 7 , 2nd 9lb 12, 3rd 9lb 6, 4th was a whooper 10lb 14.5 , breath Ur way thro the pushing count big tip Oct b4 Ur contractions get very close n wet towels on Ur shoulders
  • I had a water birth with my first. The water eased the pain some. I rocked and had back massaged. It was a very fast intense labor. My 3rd will be a home water birth next month.
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