babies due right before Thanksgiving.

edited September 2011 in Parenting
I am in school 2hrs away from my hometown, so I want to take my baby back home so I can be around family I wont have her out around them. I just don't want to be faraway from family my first couple of weeks being a ftm. How soon can I take a baby outside for a car rides seeing it will be cold I live in Illinois??? Are you taking your babies out???


  • Yes I plan on taking my son to bds family house,thats two hours away from where I live
  • Im in Michigan and due 11-20. We are planning on taking her places for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Our plan is to warm up car really well bundleing her up in layers that can be removed once in the car
    And we also found a blanket thingy ( can't remember what its called) to put around her carrier and it zippers right up over her to keep her warm!
  • My family lives 2 hours away and I plan to go for Thanksgiving. I'm in NC so it probably won't be super cold but I can't stay home husband is deployed.
  • I'm staying in for thanksgiving. My family rents a hall because there is so many people and that freaks me out with a newborn. But I will be participating in Christmas :)
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one then I will be bundling her up for sure @314babymama1120 I have that caraway cover as well my friend gave it to me that is really going to come in handy!!!
  • I will be taking my baby girl Zola out forsure I live alone and can't stand the thought of being alone with no food on thanksgiving!!! She will be bundled up forsure!!
  • U can take her on car rides and family houses as soon as u want to because those are confined places and since its your car and family you can somewhat control the environment its the crowded public places u want to avoid until shes like 1 months old..make sure your car and family's home is clean and warm for her and have ppl wash there hands and put something clean over there shirts just in case they carried something in on their shirts
  • I don't think I will have her around anyone but grandparents and me and father... I am going to br very cautious!!!
  • Noah is due the day b4 thanksgiving but my dr thinks he'll come early. We're staying here but both of our families are going to visit & my mom is cooking turkey for us.we have told everyone if they want to see Noah bring food!
  • Im due a little after thanksgiving hoping she comes before then and if she does... then we plan on taking her out... as long as thee baby is a week old I think you will be ok... just wrap her up and when yu load her to thee car put a blanket over thee car seat pre warm thee car before yu put her in there and yur going from car to house so baby should be fine...
  • We usually do thanksgiving about an hour and a half away. But ur post reminded me to ask my uncle to do it at his house since he lives less than 5 miles away. If he does it then I'll go if not then I won't.
  • @redhead25 hopefully they will I love being around family I just found out mu father's child will be taking us our Home town so I'm excited I wont miss any food!!!
  • @mybabe right! Thanksgiving is my fave holiday...I love to oink out on all the food and my family is pretty close so they should be understanding.
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