am I the only dad here. . . ? :*)



  • @martin im 11 weeks an my bf is just now excepting that rule. Hate to be pushy buuut, its for his own good lol u da man.
    Btw my boyfriend enjoys reading posts on here, theres some very interesting/ nasty/ funny stories :p
  • My other half is on here. He looks at the discussions but never comments lol :) he's says he wants to make sure what I'm feeling or going through is normal.
  • Just found the app 22 expectant dad first child bb girl and my gf is now 29 weeks
  • The ladies are not always right....we are just always wrong..
  • Brand new to this app any dads out here due middle of Oct? Wifey told me last night that she knows everything... even how I feel... I love her though she just starting to have mood swings but I can't really tell her that's what it is you know. This will be my first and I can't wait for the baby to be here!
  • Ah I wish my bd was as sweet as some of you guys! :'(
  • Ah no dude you're not the only guy here lol
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