??? baby head down but...
My Dr said he's head down but he's looking up like he's laying on his back she told me to rock back n forth on my knees n hands (all four's) to get him to rotate into position I'm 37wks & 2days
what else can I do to get him to turn cuz I dnt want to have any csection I wanna do it natural this time...
what else can I do to get him to turn cuz I dnt want to have any csection I wanna do it natural this time...
You can still deliver and you have plenty of time for baby to roll around.
Im 39 weeks and my baby still turns to face the front
but thanks ladies!!!! I hope he turn around before its time...
And these Dr's down here love to do csections more money for them it was on the news how they try to make their patients have csections when they dnt need it that's y I told her ass I was doing a vbac