today might be the day!!

edited September 2011 in Labor
Well, looks like I'm probably not going to be an October mom!
I believe I'm leaking! I've had pressure and some untimeable mild contractions.
Went for a walk to see if anything will start, so far nothing consistant. I plan on spending the rest of today relaxing with hubby and taking a couple of more walks. Hopefully by this even/night I get things going.
I have a drs appointment tomorrow so if nothing by then ill at least be able to talk to my ob.
Depending on how things pan out I might/might not be updating.
Wish me luck girls!


  • Good luck! Im not due til Oct 18 but I have a feeling I won't make it another week
  • @Bahamamama4828 - thank you! I was due October 3rd. You've had you first two early right?
  • Good luck hun. I'm due the same day, but was at the hospital last night for my contractions & back labor I was 3cm dilated, but since my water didn't break they sent me home. So im getting ready to clean & walk around.
  • Good luck!!!!! I think I'm close too...but immortal gonna get excited...I hope I'm at least dialated when I go in tomorrow.
  • Woohoo good luck! :) I'm due Oct 9 and the pelvic pressure gets stronger daily let's see when my little guy decides to make his grand entrance, I did some walking yesterday and felt like I was gona go into labor the same day lol
  • @Tinknbob @adri805 @JnetteP Thanks Ladies!

    So far, contractions are picking up in strength but are still sporadic and I can't time them. We'll see how tonight goes, if things pick up and even out I'll just continue to labor at home and cancel my appointment tomorrow and just go in when I feel ready. The leaking stopped for a while, went for a walk and leaked some more. I'm not sure if the baby's position is keeping it from being a constant leak.
    Maybe this time tomorrow I'll be holding my baby!

  • I.hope so...I think the baby is blocking the gush...which is why its just a leak. Ahhh I' excited for.u!!! Try to get some rest
  • Yup @littlefae 35 and 30 weeks and here I am going into 37 weeks. Holy crap batman!....good luck! :-q
  • Oops lol wrong smiley :D
  • oct 3rd is my 8 yr olds bday! B-)
  • Good luck!!! Keep us posted! :)
  • @adri805 @Bahamamama4828 @charliebby1116

    Well, I stopped leaking last evening, but continued to get sporadic contractions. Went to bed and about 11ish they stopped all together... the baby didn't get the memo and jammed all night long.
    Still no contractions at this point but omg am I sore where I was having them and I feel like someone kicked me in my yoohoo.
    With the baby moving so much and no more leaks I figured either yesterday was just a lot of watery discharge or if I was leaking the bag has resealed. I'm 100% sure it wasn't pee.

    Ill be going to my drs appointment in an hour. Let you know what she says.

    A bit disappointed lol
  • I'm sorry mama! Let us know what the doc says!
  • Im disappointed too. I'm only 1cm. how was.ur drs appt
  • @charliebby1116 @adri805

    Sorry for the delayed response.
    Well, after all of that work yesterday I had very little progress. LAME lol. I have effaced some more but I'm still dilated at a 2. She could definitely feel baby's head and the bag of water so I wasn't leaking. It was just a lot of watery discharge.
    I have made progress, and yesterday was my body practicing, i just didn't make as much progress as I thought I would have.
    Baby is lower though, and I'm still thinning which is good!
    So, now its back to waiting.
  • oh ok well soon enough hun!!
  • R u trying the bounce on ball thing or walking or sex?
  • I hope things get going for hun
  • @charliebby1116 @momof22be Thanks ladies, I do too. 6 more days until my due date!

    @adri805 - yup, I walk a mile and a half every day, and when on the computer and watching tv I'm on the yoga ball, I go up and down the stairs a lot and do several sets of squats a day.
    No sex though, Hubby is now spazing out about where the baby's head is now >.< men -shakes head-
  • LOL Awww if we r asking for it they should give it. If we aren't worried then y should they b. Wow u do a lot. I don't do n e thing except sex. Although I should. I'm always so tired all the time. I hope u dialate more!!!
  • @adri805 lol right??? Im like, you helped me put it in there now help me get this baby out! But no, he doesnt want his penis near the babys head. Oh well

    And thank you, I hope you have more progress soon too!
  • LOL...tell him that's his sole purpose right now. Haha jk he might get offended. I just told my BD that n he said he knows but he likes being used n controlled. LOL sick man. What if he does oral?? To help u contract?
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