what do i say????

edited September 2011 in Loss
to my bff who texted me n told me she miscarried?? :'( I have been fortunate enough to have never have had anybody I know personally loose a baby I dont know what to do or say to her beside I was sorry I love her and im here for her when shes ready to talk or needs to talk, this saddens me deeply ive got to say to all the women who.have lost a baby/babies you mamas are strong and I personaslly do not think id have the strength to go on if this hapoend to me! :( :(


  • I dont know what you should say but I know what you shouldnt. When I had my miscarriage everybody told me "God has other plans" & "everything happens for a reason". I know they were trying to be supportive but its NOT what I wanted to hear. I honestly didnt want to talk about it at all.
  • @mimii36 I figured not to push the fact of talking about it I just told her I was very sorry I love her and that im here if/when she needs somebody to talk to or just listen to her, I feel like I left something out though idk what but something shes my bff has been for 12yrs and lives 300miles away so I cant be there physically which is killing me! :'(
  • You told her all the right stuff. Just you saying you are there for her means alot. Trust me..its tough. I stayed in bed for 3 days & just cryed & slept. Thats it! I didnt even go to the bathroom til everyone was sleep. No words can really make it better. Time is the only healer.
  • Yes hun, you did the right thing. There is nothing you can say to make it better, just make sure she knows you are there for her if she wants to talk/rant/cry. Give her time, a part of me will always ache for my angel baby
  • Can you send her a care package? You said good things just keep ckecking on her and let her know her and her baby are on your mind. It can make you feel so disconnected and alone.
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