belly time
My 3 month old does not like tummy time. I will get on the floor wit her and talk to her, put toys down so she can see them, I even let her fuss for a couple minutes just to try getting her to get used to it. she will lay on your chest and lift up her head just fine though, but she's started using her arms to help her lift up a little more but I want her to start doing that on the ground for crawling and rolling over.
Any tips/advice/stories to share?
Any tips/advice/stories to share?
@Bahamamama4828 we have ababy bjorn or however you spell it I need to start using it more. She loves being held outward and now her neck is stronger so it will work better.
@kayleigh27 yea we just got her a mirror and are onl doing a couple minutes at a time on her belly. Hopefully things start getting better!
He was laying on his floor mat thing that has toys hanging, and I guess he decided that was boring. Lol