Finally had my little baby boy chase. I did a natural birth and used the birthing tub to labor and the hypnobirthing technique. It went well and my labor was about 7-8hrs long. He is 21 inches long and 7.2lbs. He is too cute..he is perfectly healthy too.
@mrsrocketfield1221 i wanted to do the full on water birth and could have but the tub was the regular garden tub inwhich nowhere to put my feet up to push on. I decided at 10cm i would move from tub to bed. Laboring in water was easier than on a bed and it is supposed to help prevent tares too. Its a good thing to look into thats for sure. I would recomend you to take some hypnobirth classes though to be able to enjoy the experience.. there is a book called the hypnobirthing method. Its a great book
@tricesbaby thats real good. I stayed relaxed. I was falling asleep when it was almost time to have him lol