can't bring myself to do anything...

edited September 2011 in Depression
i'm uber depressed over mine n my DH's situation atm... as some of you already know, it looks like he is going to lose his job, and if that happens, his mom is going to put us on the street... since i found this out last night i haven't been able to bring myself to do anything but lay around... i need to sort baby clothes from the babyshower, i need to wash our clothes and all of Damien's, i need to get up and shower and get ready to go watch my niece... but all i can do is sit here and worry and fight the urge to cry everytime i feel Damien kick... i'm so scared to have him now and i really don't know what to do... my hubby keeps telling me not to worry, that he'll find something, and he always does... but... i just don't know where we'll go till then... i just want to curl up in his arms and sleep till this whole thing is solved... :-((


  • Im sorry hun. Im in a similar situation .... My Dr put me on bed rest and My short term disability is refusing to pay so we don't know how We are going to make rent. Hubby says for me not to worry that he will fix it but it is still hard ....
  • *ehug* we'll make it some how. We has to. for our babehs
  • Im so sorry hun...its hard my husbands job kept threatening to fire him while he was off after baby was born ...he took extra time because I had problem with csection . And I had to quit working alot sooner than we planned cuz I was put in bedrest!! Pray ..I don't know ur faith but I truly didn't know what else to I handed it over and knew I couldn't keep stressing it wasn't good for me or baby and with u still being pregnant not good for u. Keep ur head up..say a prayer and whatever happens u will be ok..good luck mama
  • aww sweety.. i get like that too.. sometimes if i get bad new.. the best but seems like the hardest thing to do .. is put on some mood music and go to work.. before you know it youll be done.. My counsler told me i know im not trying to preach but it made perfect sence at the time.. lol.. try not to stress on the things we cant control.. you can only deal with those kind of situations if they come.. but your waisting your energy.. worrying.. if im correct though they cant leagaly fire him without reason.. they need a reason.. and it wouldnt look so good if they fired him and then all of the sudden a family member was there taking his place.. good luck
  • *hugs* im so sorry! I know how u feel...i know u prolly hear it alot but keep ur head up and try to stay as positive as u can...if money is an issue like in my case u can look into government aid, insurance, wic...ill keep u in my prayers in hopes everything works out good for u guys! >:D<
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