feeling like a ftm all over again

edited September 2011 in Babies
When do they start sleeping through the night again? Props to all the moms with babies close in age. My newborn sleeps when the two year old is wide awake. I feel like I am constantly yelling at my daughter telling her to leave things alone. Granted Yes my mom tries to pitch in when she can and occasionally my little brother helps a lot too. I feel overwhelmed I'm ready for my newborn to be on a schedule


  • It really just depends on the baby. My first was 6 weeks and my second still wakes up occasionally. He is almost 2
  • I have 3, all girls my 21 mnth old gets in tooo everything! Yesterday I mopped my kitchen thn had a call so my daughter tried to help she pulled the mop all around my living rm my hall way n the girls room... its all carpet boy I wantd to scold her, but I cudnt she doesn't knw it was wrong.... LOL but her n my 8 wk old jst got nto the same napping time schedule I jst keep her occupied n she stays asleep for hours....
  • She used to take late afternoon naps but the She doesn't want to go to bed. I recently just started setting a bath time but keeping her in bed is the trick I know she just wants lovin and attention but I try to relax and soon that will be homework time
  • I swear my daughter slept nights right away but maybe she didn't. My little Guy is a big boy I was sure he would be sleeping by now hopefully soon keeping my fingers crossed thanks @mami_ of_3
  • I know exactly how u feel, its hard to juggle a two year old and a newborn...i have such a hard time trying not to yell at my 2 year old for various things and they def dont sleep at the same time which is hard...im just trying to.take one day at a.time
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  • This pass saturday I layed him down at 9pm. I woke at 2ish made a bottle expecting him to wake but he slept till 7:20! I was super stoked! He's 11weeks old.
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