


  • Due the 14th. But I'm dialted so hopefully sooner!
  • Due the 15th looking to induce the 3rd cause of complications.
  • Due the 11th and praying she comes sooner :)
  • WOOO HOOO! Its finally our month!!!
    I'm due the 23rd but thinking he will induce the week of the 10th due to gestational diabetes, early cervical change, and what we think maybe the beginning of pre-e.

    I'm just excited its FINALLY October!
  • I'm due 10/30 with #2, but having a c-section on 10/25. I'm starting to get pretty misersable. My ribs are killing me, my groin, hips and pelvic region are so sore...I feel like I've been horseback riding for days. I'm having tons of BH. Overall, I'm in a lot of pain. I never had this with my first, so it's really freaking me out.
  • Yay its FINALLY HERER! :) Im due October 15th but as of today im 2 1/2cms dilated & 60% effaced & I lost some of my mucous plug this afternoon... idt my son is waiting til the 15th lol
  • The 25th whoohoooo!!
  • Due 21 cant wait
  • I'm due Monday n I'm effen bitter bc this little girl is taking her sweet time. Ughhhh she's gna b a handful like her sister.
  • I'm due Oct.6 but getting induced Sunday night...so excited!
  • Labor dust to everyone!
  • Due Nov 3rd but he will be here this month. Can't wait will be 36 weeks this week.
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