
edited September 2011 in October 2011
Tomorrow is the day we can say we are due this month! I am so ready. I am due the 7th. How is everyone doing?


  • I'm due the 7th too! Doing ok for the most part, just really sore, swollen, and ready for pregnancy to be over!
  • I'm due the 31st. I cant wait.
  • I'm actually due Nov 7, but pretty sure he will be an October baby!
  • Due the 31st... So nervous, but happy...
  • Due Oct 19th but I'm thinking my lil man is comfy where he's at.....
  • Due The 12th excited for my doctor apt today
  • I'm due the 7th also! Been having lots of mentrual like cramps, lots of bowel movements and backache, I can't wait for her to come!
  • i was due the 7th of oct but i am having a planned c section the 3rd....
  • I'm due the 24th but I'm having him on the 3rd, so getting ready
  • Due the 18th, but nothing is happening, no dilation or anything... maybe he's comfy :-/ or I maybe I need to be more active!
  • Due the 10th I feel like I'm gonna pass my due date :( sucks!
  • Due the 15th. Induction set for the 10th if baby doesnt come sooner!
  • @mschop why are you having baby so soon?
  • edited September 2011
    I'm due on the 13th
    Can't wait
    Still tryna plan my son 4th bday party which is on the 6th and I'm thinking about doin something for my bday which is on the 20th
    I'm so ready to have my little man time starting to go so slow now and my belly finally look like its dropping yaaaaay
  • I'm Due the 8th i have no idea if imma make it till then or not! I kinda hope not, but ohhh well... my ob promised that he wouldn't let me go past 40 weeks cuz ive been begging to have this little guy forever now :P
  • I was due Sep 24th and still no baby, go to the docs in less than an hour and have to pick my induction date, no later than tuesday doc said so im thinking monday. Hope my baby waits till after midnight now because I Love October and its birthstone! ;)
  • I'm due on the 8th, but being induced this monday!! This is going to be the longest weekend ever!!
  • I have placenta priva, and his fluid was low so the doctor said it would be best if he came on out.
  • Due Oct 6th last doc appt no dialation or anything lots of contraction and everything else i'm hoping baby will be here SOON!
  • Due October 17th. I'm dilated to 2 cm already. And she is estimated o weigh 6 pounds right now. I can't wait to meet my baby girl!!!!!!
  • I am due the 18th but i have c section on the 11th if i go that long
  • I was due the third but lil Isaac decided to come a few days early and was born on the 28th lol
  • Due nov 2nd & hoping to have him before then!! Lol
  • I'm due the 18th :) at home vbac.
  • I'm due on the 8th! Only a fingertip dilated so far. Hope she comes soon tho! I do NOT wanna go over lol
  • Due the 15th induction set for the 12th but may cancel if I'm not dilated more
  • 31st hope to get it out sooner !
  • I'm due october 7th too been having minor contractions but my hospital won't help unless ur 100%in labor !!!
  • Im due the 25th, but expecting to be a Nov mama, lol! My birthday is the 2nd and I think she's going to hold out and steal my bday!
  • Yay us!!! I was originally due the 31st & was lookin forward to a Halloween baby but now I'm due the 17th & can't be more happier to meet my baby girl
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