C-Section Mommies

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
If you plan on having another baby, are you going to schedule a c-section or do you plan on trying for a vbac? And whats your reasoning?


  • Currently I am doing a vbac Oct because here there are resources for that .
  • I think im going to schedule a c section with my next. My labor was horrible and ended up with c section. :(
  • c sec!! bcuz I was 10 days over due with this one n went to b induced n had : 2 cervadills, pitocin , balloon method, water broke ob accident!!!!!! &&2 epidurals a 3 day process only to b 4cmn thick!!!my cirvex sucks!!! lol && my c section was not so bad AT ALL!! my recovery was easy too :)
  • I am doing a VBAC because I want to give my body the chance to do what its meant to do. I am in a great trauma hospital so I can try without having to worry about if something goes wrong. But my doctor is confident that things are progressing well.
  • I am scheduling my c section at my next appt. My labor was long and horrible and I dont want to deal with that again. I do however want to go in labor before my c section to just feel it for a short time...make it feel more real.
  • I am with out a doubt trying for a vbac
  • Iv had 2 c sections. First one emergency second one scheduled. I don't plan on having a third but if it happened then id go with a scheduled c section because im to chicken to do a vbac lol
  • I wont have to deal with this for awhile, but its something I think about. I ended up with an emergency csection because of failure to progress, but I think thats because they put me on pitocin an hour after my water broke; in retrospect, I would have preferred to let my labor start naturally. After 18 hours of labor, the section seemed so quick and easy, and the recovery wasnt too bad. So on one hand, I kind of want to go for a vbac because its natures way. On the other hand, another section seems easier...and this is a little selfish, but Im also worried about my SO not wanting to have sex with me after seeing a baby come out down there.

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