I'm EXCITED to start....

my real weight loss journey on tuesday! I'm going to my doctor and getting the phentermine pills to help my weight loss. I have a goal to loose 45 pounds! I have 10 more pounds to loose to get to my pre-pregnancy weight...then I still want to loose 35 more pounds to get back to what I used to look like when my husband first met me, when I was in the best shape, my first year in college. I look of pictures of myself back then....and I just wanna look like that again! I have a youtube channel (youtube.com/lereveable) where I do videos about baby stuff. And now I'm going to add pp weight loss videos to help motivate others, motivate myself, keep track of my progress, and to show my results for others that are curious about the pill. I have a goal of loosing 12-15 pounds a month, hopefully getting most of the weight off by december! eek, I just can't wait! :) Anyone else doing a weight loss journey?


  • I am I joined the.gym and will start watching my intake on tomorrow
  • Will Ur doc just prescribe u the pills? I had a really good experience with them a few yrs ago..lost 26 lbs in one month and kept it off for a good time :) I would really like to start on them again. Do u by any chance know where I could buy them?good luck :)
  • @finallypreggo Yeah, my doctor will just prescribe them. Wow, 26 pounds in one month! That would be awesome! Um, if you don't get them prescribed...they sell them on the internet, but I don't recommend that. Because they can not be the real pill, you don't know what ingredients are really in them, they're more expensive, and its illegal in the united states. But, I have heard of weight loss clinic's or programs, like scale solutions, that you can buy them from...if there's one in your area.
  • Awsome ill ne right there w/ u soon good luck
  • Wat do u tell ur Dr for thm to prescribe them to u? N they r illegal in us? If so that sucks...
  • is it ur ob that prescribes them or ur reg doc? I really really want them, I have about 80lbs to lose...
  • I'm with @gsmommy but more like 120lbs for me ugh
  • well @momof22be I would LOVE to lose 120 but that will never happen lol
  • @mami_of_3 they're just illegal to buy on the internet, well that's what I've heard. You can get them prescribed and its legal.

    @gsmommy I'm getting my OB to prescribe them at my 6 week pp appointment...it just depends if your OB will prescribe them or not, never hurts to ask!

  • Can u breast feed while on them?
  • @314babymama1120 I don't think you can breast feed while taking them. I'm not breast feeding.
  • Oh ok. Im a personal trainer so its important for me to get back into shape quickly but im planning on breastfeeding... ill still ask my Dr about it though. Let me know how it goes!
  • Wow! Sounds just like me. I still have 10 pregnancy pounds to lose and I want to lose an additional 25-30. I want my pre husband body back!!! Good luck on your weight loss journey. :)
  • @kcike812 woah...that's crazy. Good luck on yours too! Haha pre-husband body...that's a good way to put it. Cause once I started dating my husband..we just started eating out more over 3 years..and...a miscarriage...and the pregnancy with my daughter...well yeah that's why I need to loose 35 more pounds, lol.

    @314babymama1120 I've heard a lot of people loose weight just from breast feeding.
  • Nvm missed it at first...
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