People "Ruder" since pregnant

edited October 2011 in November 2011
Is anyone else surprised at how rude people are to pregnant women? I am. I was always told when you're pregnant people are amazingly friendly and hold doors for you, offer their seats, etc. Is that true?
Neh ladies. Neh.
At least not for me.
I get doors slammed infront of my face as I try to walk in. People will literally walk into me (hello! I'm a bus, can you walk around?)
A man took the only chair in a FedEx the other day knowing I was pregnant and was having a hard time standing.

Has anyone else had to go through what they thought would be a nice 9 months of courtesy and respect only to find people are even bigger assholes?


  • Yeah same here, loads of filthy looks particularly from young women, must be jealous. People bumping into me, men squeezing past instead of letting me through, got a load of stuff delivered the other day and the guy just left it all on the doorstep and wouldn't help me take it in the house, people at work even sayin no when i have asked for help! Garrr.
  • Oh and not forgetting other pregnant women being biatches cos they want to be centre of attention! I could go on lol
  • Yes big time I was just saying this today... everyone seems so cold hearted. The stupid manager at toys r us even started a huge argument with me kuz I asked her a question, and so did this girl in Walmart.. do they not know that pregnant girls can't get mad or stressed... when I'm driving no one let's me in and they speed up on purpose when I'm tryin to get ina lane.. its obvious I'm pregnant too they can see my big belly in the window plus I have an "expecting mom sticker " thing.. people give me dirty looks all the time. No one even cares that I'm pregnant and guna pop any second they are all so damn rude !
  • I can go on and on.. people not letting me get past and other people bumping into me ugh I hate people.
  • Its bad enough we have to endure rude comments "you don't look pregnant" or "wow you look like you're havinh twins!" Or my favorite "what are you eating?"
    Now we have people treating us like crap? What are we suppose to say?
    "Sorry for breeding??"
  • Omg u have to add to this. I was in the mall the other day to go to verizon to get my phone fixed and three HUGE black ladies were just standing in the entrance not moving. and it was a big entrance. I tried to get around them and then one stepped right in my way so I politely said excuse me when I really wanted to say really? I'm pregnant what's YOUR excuse? And she looked at me like she was going to bite my head off. Rolled her eyes and walked away. Even the dude at the counter was like I'm surprised she didn't try to sit on you! I was so livid.
  • *i have to add to this
  • edited October 2011
    Totally agree! Although I have run across the few (very scarce) polite, go-out-of-their-way to help me people...I have mostly noticed that many are either oblivious to the fact or flat out, don't give a sh!t. Some of my experiences include: at 7 months pregnant, daddy rushed ahead of me to get the door for me at a restaurant...while another couple (mid 20s) was shortly behind us...they blatantly darted ahead of me and dodged in through the door clearly being held for the big, pregnant lady...and cut me off so that I was walking into the center door pole. On 2 occasions, I luckily found "stork parking" (which is way too limited or nonexistent if I might say) and first had a young couple stand and watch me get out of my time was a family of 4...just to check to make sure I was pregnant. I roll on out, and both times announce "YES, YES...I'M PREGNANT. It's a boy. Due October. Anything else you'd care to know, or possibly see?" Most recently, I was at Target getting a couple things (very pregnant), and dog food was on my list. So I was able to get it into my cart...bring it up to checkout and the cashier (lady in her 30s) says "um, I'm not gonna be able to lift back really hurts today...can you get it on up here?" She wouldn't even bring her pricegun over to scan I lifted it, and said "sure, not a problem, I was hoping to have this baby a bit early anyways (sarcasm clearly)"... she just giggles and says "ok, good." Seriously, what a joke.

    *on the bright side, I'm almost there, only 10 more days! Hopefully all of you are getting close as to share these "not-so-pleasant" moments...and get a good laugh at people's ignorance.
  • When ppl make comments about being huge I tell them that Noah likes to be seen. My belly is the only place I look pregnant. I haven't had a lot of rudeness, comments about how big my belly is & an old lady yelling at me cause I was buying beer. (I am 33, have a 37 yo husband, it was football season opener. Uh I can buy beer & not drink it ya old beoch!)
  • I've Noticed how rude people are..... Crazy !!!
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  • Idk where y'all are from but i live in colorado and can only recall one rude person and it was at a book store. I was in my first tri and getting a pregnancy book and this lady walked past with her husband and was like, "i don't think they make what to expect for the teen years" i was extremely hormonal and started to cry. My husband chased the guy she was with to the car and tried to fight him but he drove off. It pissed me off so bad because I'm 20! And my husband is 23! Usually ppl say i look older but i had hyperemesis gravidarium my first trimester and never cared how i presented myself if i was gttin myself outta bed. Other than that people around here have been awesome. A few dirty looks from women here and there but that's nothing new. Lol. I did see my high school enemy at the store and she was pregnant but obviously not that pregnant. As soon as she saw me she stuck her stomach out all hard and started holding her back and tummy and doing breathing exercises. I thought that was awfully strange. I'm obviously ready to pop anyday. You can cut your act you crazy lady! You were crazy in high school and you're crazy now! Poor baby...
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  • @2beforgotten I've never been but my mom says its pretty bad there. Lol. I'm probably way to friendly to visit. But i will one day. Lol. Yeah she was! I was like wtf?! Idk if she didn't know i saw here before her act but she just made herself look ridiculous. Lol
  • Ive had just two rude people where I am the rest are nice I went to Madison for a concert and had to pee they all let me budge them to pee lol I guess it depends on where u are
  • I'm with u @sara102011 I'm in Nebraska and have never had anyone be rude to me...even when I was 17 and pregnant. I have the extreme opposite...people offer to carry the little things for me, give me their seats even when I'm already sitting so I can put my feet up ect. I just think in the Midwest people are more polite. Being 8 months pregnant I'll still get up and offer my seat to an elder.
  • @redhead25 and everyone wants to talk to you about your baby?! I'm not gonna complain! Lol. I do love the midwest. I'm not against traveling but everywhere ive gone outside the midwest I've said," it was nice but the people weren't too friendly"
  • what? are u all serious? noone has ever been rude to me while pregnant! strangers smile at me, hold the doors open for me, and move out the way for me lol i guess it must be the aloha spirit because people down here in hawaii are way nicer. i remember going to vacations to the mainland and thinking why are the people so rude here.. its really different.
  • @sara102011 I agree. I love travelling but I'm always happy to be home bc people are more rude in other places.
  • I live in the Midwest too and only rude people I've encountered were people who must not have realized they were being rude. W the are u sure your not having twins comments and what not.
  • I live in Phoenix so I blame the rudeness on the heat and the fact that everyone here is pissed off that they don't live in LA. I use to go to Colorado during the summer and I find people there to be some of the nicest people on earth. I should have been pregnant in CO, lol
  • @rhiriot i speak for my entire state when i say thank you: )
  • the doctor i saw during my early stages of pregnancy was a rude prick

    before he even introduced himself, he said to my husband and i that "our baby is going to be a retard" i said "excuse me?! who the hell do you think you are talking to me like that?"

    thank god i never saw that d*ckhead again and my baby girl was born healthy and well
  • I haven't had too many rude encounters just thee fact that stupid people like to say... wow your 8months your sooo small!!! I want to say in reply oh how many months are you??? Oh your not prego are you ahahaha!!!

    Most old women say wow are you having twins...since they're old igive them thee benefit of thee doubt...

    Iwent to visit my cousin thee other day at thee hospital because she just had her baby and thee nurse at check in said hi are you checking in!! I wanted to snatch her face off!!!

    People dnt understand that its best to stfu!!
  • I'm in South Carolina and everyone is so polite. Love that southern hospitality.
  • People in Ny are so damn mean. It takes alot just to have someone hold the door for you. I think Im mean too after living here for so ok rant over
  • If u think that's bad I quit my job 2 weeks ago, because I was an over-the-road truck driver. At 34 weeks my husband started to get nervous about me traveling so far from my doctor. They actually agrued with me and told me they didn't no I was pregnant. Hello,r u blind. Not to mention my dot physical says pregnant on it. Then had the nerve to ask for a letter from my doctor. I was quitting not taking leave, but my husband still worked there so I actually had to ask my doctors assistant for a letter to quit my job. She had no clue what to say so she gave me a letter for maternity leave. Other than that I really haven't had any issues with people but I will set them straight if I do. My husband n friends say I have a look that just makes people want to avoid me. Honestly that works for me.
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