is it ok for baby to sleep in her carseat during the day?

edited October 2011 in Sleep
She rarely wants to sleep in her bassinette but as soon as I put her in her carseat she falls asleep. Is that a bad habit to get into? Shes only 5 days old


  • Maybe she likes the carseat bc it a snug fit around her, try swaddling. Maybe try a swing? Id think that's more comfortable than the carseat. My nephew refused to sleep in his crib, for the first 4 months he slept in his swin and he slept through the night very early. It was easy to switch from swing to crib formy sister but every baby is different
  • My son sleeps in his car seat sometimes. He's generally a tummy sleeper tho so its not often he's in the car seat. But I don't see a problem with it at all. My mom let me sleep in the car seat for the longest time and I turned out fine. Except for the voices in my head telling me to do bad things. Lol I'm just kidding :) just make sure babies neck isn't bent to where they can't breathe.
  • LMAO @Kingsmama
    @lily_glz I do swaddle her, but she will only sleep there at night AND only with a light on. As soon as the light goes out she wakes up. Im thinking I should get a bouncy seat for her during the day. Gotta be more comfy than the carseat. We dont have room for a swing
  • My son does sometimes especially when I am visiting its just easier sometimes
  • Just make sure the back of head doesn't flatten
  • Ya its fine just might misshapen the back of head
  • Its better than my son sleeping in bed with me.. he naps in his bed but at nught he sleeps with me.. some ppl cant get their babies to sleep anywhere but their carseat.. i am thinking about putting him in it at night..
  • I heard that they shouldn't, I don't know why though. Ask your Dr.
  • Our wontt sleep in her bed. She sleeps between us on our bed (prob my fault, just easier at night for bf-ing) and to get her to sleep a little longer by herself, daddy puts her in the car seat sometimes.
  • no i let mine sleep in there when they fall asleep.. why not.. just stop doing it when your baby is a lil bigger
  • My son sleeps in his car our bed! He has reflux...dr said carseat or swing is safest so he doesn't choke!
  • @heyitsme my daughter doesn't sleep with the light off either so we bought her a lil lamp from Walmart leave it on at night she sleeps good till her next feeding.
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