sad about my weight. is this normal?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I'm pretty bummed. My midwife said I'm gaining weight to fast. And I need to cut out carbs :( I started out small n lost 15 lbs! I weighed less than I did in high school! Now I have gained it back and 20lbs! I feel good and look like a normal prego chick...
I'm 30wks...
Is ANYONE else going through this? Advice?


  • Ive gained about thirty pounds at 21 weeks my dr. said its fine and that kailee is healthy
  • @rissalee7 whew thanks! I'm kinda worrying ill have a big fat baby that will be hard to push out :-S
  • I wouldn't worry to much abt the weight. I gained 100 with my first and lost it all after a year. this is my 5th baby now and have gained 40 so far. I don't get to depressed abt it cause its the only time I get to enjoy being fat and pregnant and after the baby is here I have all the time in the world to lose it.
  • I'm almost 20 weeks and have gained 17 pounds so far but my doc has never worried about weight gain and pregnancy.. I gained 62 lbs with my first and he never said anything about it.. My son was a normal weight of 7 lbs 2 ozs
  • I'm at 21 weeks and gained 11lbs. I saw my ob last Friday and he gave me the go ahead to eat what ever I wanted (making sure fruits n veggies were included of course). But hey its the one time we can eat 2 servings n not feel guilty! we are growing lil people in our bellys they need nutrients from us. And who said ben and jerrys wasn't. Healthy must never have been pregnant!
  • 19 n only gained 9 n I'm 25 weeks tomorrow they say I haven't gained enough lol so I think 15-20 lbs at 30 should be normal
  • I haven't even gained that much and I feel gross. I'm starting to get a bump, but it just looks like I'm fat >.>
  • Im 32wks & gained 26 lbs but im not going to stress >:D<
  • @itsagirl I was the same way with my first pregnancy at 19, but don't worry u will gain some more as u get closer to ur due date
  • It's my second with my son my first I gained.40 lbs
  • im 17 wks and havent gained any weight! I'm worried it's gonna bite me on the second half of the pregnancy!
  • I've read what they say is normal, but I think it all depends... before I got prego, I was 151lbs at 5'9... after losing close to 20lbs and had finally got into a 2 piece... Now I'm 12 weeks tomorrow and 163lbs... I don't know what to say, other than I'm hungry and I can't help it... so... I'm eating... its bad enough I have aversions to a lot of foods, especially sweets... but if I gain, I gain... isn't this the only time where it should be fun to gain... what I really wanna know is... @momof5... how did u lose 100lbs in a year... please give me that info...
  • I am 19 and a half weeks and gave gained 15 lbs. I was depressed too until I came to the realization that I am healthy, workout 5-6 times a week and eat healthy. Your body is going to do what it needs to do to support ur baby. We are all beautiful and size doesn't matter ;;)
  • Oh worried I have an appointmen next weeks and I haven't gain any weight yet. Im 21 weeks and im so scared that theyr gona tell me that I need to gain weight cuz I tried but im still the same. Is it normal if I dint gain weight?
  • im 26 weeks and only gained 6lbs & i asked my dr. because i was worried but she said its ok because i will gain weight towards the end of the pregnancy.
  • @islandgirl don't worry! My dr told me if i didn't gain any weight until around week 24 it would be fine. After that the baby is growing fast enough that you gain weight wether you want to or not!
  • With my first, I didn't gain a pound until I waa about 7 months pregnant and then all of a sudden, I was gaining crazy weight...I had gained 63 pounds in 3 months! This time around, I lost 6 pounds, gained it back plus about 15 more, and now I haven't gained but I've lost a pound in about a month. Weird how that works! But, baby is about 3 pounds right now and I'm only 29 weeks. I'm hoping she doesn't gain more than 4 pounds in the next 10 weeks because I'm not fancying the idea of squeezing out an 8 pounder lol.
  • @DanwaarsBaby. It wasn't easy. I started out by breastfeeding and only eating small portions at a time and when I was still hungry cause I always was fruit was my friend. Loved apples and oranges. Then after I was able to really get around I started using tiebo everyday and I replaced my breakfast and supper with slimfast and only ate lunch and only drank water. Its so hard but after you get into the routine of it it becomes easier. Right now I am 5'2" and am 33weeks pregnant with my 5th child and I weight 170lbs ugh but I also got pregnant 4 months after giving birth to my 4th son so I figure after this one I will start back in on the hard work and starvation. Lol. Good luck to all you moms that are trying to loose the weight. :)
  • As long as you are eating healthy(with some indulgances here and there) you r fine. The most important thing about weight gain is they want to be sure you rnt getting hpb or diabetes from the weight gain. Your body with adjust itself to prepare for baby. Enjoy your body big or small.. you have been growing a little miracle..and you are beautiful..:)
  • I am 33 wks and 209lbs I was small to begin with. My doc beat around the bush and made sure I was eating healthy, but didn't come out and say I was fat. I have been struggling with it emotionally, but doing the whole breastfeeding and determination to loose this weight I think ill be fine.
  • In my first pregnancy I gained 52 lbs... and lost it all and more... now I'm 15w 4d and have gained 9lbs... don't know if its alot... but I feel we shouldn't worry about the weight now, worry about it after the baby is born..
  • edited March 2011
    I'm 36 weeks and so far I've gained 28 pounds this is my first. Sometimes you gain more in one month than others. I gained 9 pounds in one month and haven't really been hard on myself when it comes to eating. I just try to eat healthy but will occasionally indulge in sweets or something high calorie. My nurses haven't been concerned and my baby is healthy thank God that's all that matters. Good luck and congrats!;-)
  • edited March 2011
    I'm 18 weeks and haven't gained anything but im so scared I will gain a lot towards the end. I'm already on the chubby side and really try not to over do it with junk food, But I think as long as I stay active and eat healthy I should be fine, and that goes for you to @mommy2audrey. Don't sweat it hun, just try to not over indulge and remember weight can always be lost, a healthy baby is what is most important right now :) Good luck!!
  • My Dr told me twice i gained too much weight. I'm 32 weeks and have gained about 35-40 pounds so far.
  • With my first& second kids I gained 36lbs, 47lbs. I lost it all plus more with my first. My second I couldn't lose the last 20lbs, although I was put on a high calorie diet since I kept going into preterm labor, they wanted her as big as possible since she was going to probably be early. They weighed 7lbs 4oz, 7lbs 5oz, my third I lost 42lbs, she was 5lbs 15oz. My fourth I gained 12lbs, she was 4lbs 1oz. My doctor never said anything to me, except for when I had my third because I lost so much&was so sick. I was on bedrest with the second&third. This one I have gained 8lbs, I'm 4mos now. I have always had bigger (not huge, but thicker) thighs, a small waist/flat tummy, 32/34 DD/F. From your photos, I wouldn't worry if I were you. You're gorgeous&look great. She is being idealistic. Opinions are like buttholes, everyones got one&they usually stink ;)
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