cord blood banking

edited October 2011 in Postpartum Health
Has anyone done this? I'm wondering if its spendy. My husband has leukemia and has been in remission for years now, but I want to save the blood in case our son get leukemia.... scary to think of that, but I want to have the best chances of helping him.


  • I have done a little research and yes it us very expensive. My cousin told me that u can donate your babies cord blood to the national bank for free and If the situation arises u can Just use a match from there. Im asking my Dr about it at next appt.
  • Cbr its around 2000 and 125 every year after. They do have a payment plan though
  • Holy cow @lmd18taw that initial payment is rough.
    @314babymama1120 I guess now I just have to decide what to do. My hubby has no family history of cancer, it just hit him... scary
  • @romeike I was just looking this same info up I would love to save my daughters blood as well just in case something happens to her or her brother.... But i believe if your son does happen to have leukemia and you save his blood i dnt think it would wrk b/c it's already in his blood... Not a 100% sure but i was reading this somewhere on the internet...But you should look more into it just to make sure!!
  • @romeike89 I agree but I really want to do it. There payment plan is 59 per month for 48 months
  • @mommyxoxo2 I will have to. I thought it was that their blood is the best to cure it. @lmd18taw that's not bad. I'm gonna have to research more
  • @romeike89 That's wat u thought as well it was on some blog u read though it didn't make sense to me but I thought I wld share it
  • I didn't have the money with my last two sons but I did donate it.... so if u can't afford it please donate it can help save lifes. My brother had a baby boy recently and he and his wife did bank it and they were able to take out a special credit card just for it so you might want to look into that.
  • My doc said it's more practical to donate it and then it should be there if you need it. The chances of finding a match other than your baby are super rare. So that's what we're going to do!
  • @mommyxoxo2 yeah... both cases make sense. @wallieheadbaby3 @new_baby_in_oct if for some reason we can't bank it, we would donate it no questions asked.

    Just makes me sad to think that my son could be that sick. Thy sent my husband home once at 8 years old on hospitality to pass away basically because the chemotherapy had not worked. He miraculously got better and is healthy today. I'm absolutely terrified that it will come back with my hubby and so scared my baby will get it. I cry just thinking about it.... its my biggest fear
  • Yeah hun... that is so very scary. I understand why your so afraid with all your husband has been through. I'll pray that all will be great for your family.
  • @wallieheadbaby3 thank you. I appreciate it
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